Chapter 180 Despicable Me 13 (1/2)

Chapter 180 Despicable Me 13

”Can't be done,” Billy answered easily because that was the truth He did not think that lying would solve this proble Bujue had expected this answer This deotiation skill In this kind of not so even cooperation, the party with h de it to find out the other party's bottoun is an extension of e of my territory, it will disappear,” Billy answered ”Since I've stayed in this recurring night My power has assimilated perfectly in this space, and that is why you can take the gun with you anywhere inside this prison But when you're placed in a coun is one hundred meters away from me, the item will disappear

”Other than that, the so-called instant kill and perfect accuracy is nothing more than my ability to manipulate space Since I can control the e and accuracy of the bullet are under ht… Faust is a warden beyond the gate of this prison, right? Even though it is only one door away, that should be counted as outside,” Feng Bujue argued ”assuinal plan, walk out the first door following your hints, and face the warden, wouldn't I be arun…”

Billy interrupted hi the three of us, only the upper lireater than Faust's Therefore, it doesn'tas I aun will maintain its full power Other than that… the so-called 'outside the door' is not really outside The space where Faust can be found can be viewed as the 'door' as a whole, and the strongest lock is the curse laid down by the Master of Tiun is a er Does that really count asBujue asked

”The important part is not the method, tool, or source of power used to kill Faust The i is… 'who' coic user borrows the power of ancient de; an elementalist borrows the power of nature… Those killed by these casters, should their descendants find the casters theo find the demons and the entire natural world?”

”H Bujue answered ”In any case, I have to be the one who kills him because if it's any of you who kill Faust, the whole rotation will occur, and Faust will revive beyond the door, yes?”

”Correct,” Aldan answered ”The curse left behind by the Master of Time is wicked If it's an 'in will revert to its original state, and Faust will reappear outside the door Our poill return to the lowest stage, and it will take a long time before it returns to its current state

”Before that, this entire space is beyond our control We won't be able to find the exit, can't change the environment, and can't even teleport After each rotation, there is a new ain our poe are killed again and again The saddest thing is, we can't even die in this prison because we get revived in our weakest state after death”

Hearing that, Feng Bujue turned to look at Ravid

Ravid knehat he was going to ask, so it said, ”No need to look at me like that Just like Billy said, earlier, he e of the shot, so your shot earlier didn't really 'kill' me Of course… the way I escaped did look rather unfortunate”

”In other words… even if I really killed you, it wouldn't haveBujue asked

”What do you mean by that‽ Didn't Aldan just tell you earlier that we revert to our weakest for ti to this state?” Ravid said

”By the way, have you atte Bujue asked