Part 24 (1/2)

”Ah, yes--you had me there, I'm afraid. Very neatly done, though, very neat. There'll be a nice little profit on the repairs, I'm sure--but it's all in the family now.”

The conversation was becoming more genial in tone, and when the cigars were lit the two old antagonists were chatting away like the best of friends.

Holm invited the banker to a ”little family party” the same evening, to celebrate the double event. Hermansen accepted with thanks, and the pair separated with a cordial shake of the hand.

Holm walked back to the office with his hat at a more than usually rakish angle, as was his way when in high spirits. He swung his stick cheerfully, and felt a comforting sense of superiority in all directions. There was no one to oppose him now.

”h.e.l.lo, you're looking unusually perky to-day! What's it all about?”

This was from Vindt, who was sure to be quick on the scent of anything new.

”I've just come from my so-called brother-in-law, Hermansen, that's all, my boy.”

”Oho! Distinguished brother-in-law, what?”

”Well, I'm quite satisfied with him myself. And--er--h'm--he'll be my boy's father-in-law too, you know, in a way.”

Vindt stood a moment sniffing at the stump of his cigar, then, thrusting one finger into the b.u.t.tonhole of Holm's coat, he said solemnly:

”Mrs. Emilie Rantzau and daughter: Knut G. Holm and son and Banker Hermansen, Knight of the Order of Vasa, etcetera. H'm. That's the worst of these cheap smokes; they stick when you've got half-way. So long, old stick-in-the-mud!”

”Queer old stick,” said Holm to himself as the other walked away.

”Getting quite crabby of late. But he ought to have married himself long ago.”

And Holm went home to make arrangements for a thoroughly festive evening.



It was Sunday. Bramsen and Andrine had had a settling up, the day before, of various matters outstanding, and the savings-bank book had been handed over, with its ”Cr. balance 19s. 6d.”--being all that remained from the interregnum period of Bramsen's term of office as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Andrine opened the book and stood aghast.

”But--but, sakes alive, Paal, where's all the money gone?”

”The money--why--the money--h'm....” And in his embarra.s.sment he looked appealingly at Amanda, who nudged him encouragingly in the ribs and whispered:

”Go on--it's all right. Tell her straight out.”

”Why, you see, Andrine, it's like this. When you handed over charge of all this worldly mammon, that's naught but vanity and vexation of spirits and so on, and a clog upon the soul....”

”Oh, leave out all that and say what you've done with the money.”

Andrine was quivering with impatience.

”Well--I--I bought the s.h.i.+p.”

”s.h.i.+p--what s.h.i.+p?”