Chapter 63 (1/2)

The Queen’s Coronation

A battle of pursuit began against the Cordovan army, which had ran away.

For this, their own cavalry didn’t have enough war potential, preventing them from achieving maximal military gains.

The enemy’s cavalry had lost practically all of their war potential. Even so, there were still a few more captured by the beastkin ambus.h.i.+ng them from behind.

For their infantry’s war potential, their numbers dwindled steadily through the pursuit. Their final casualty count numbered around five thousand people. The number of captives was around the same amount.

As for Cordova’s remaining military force, they abandoned the areas they invaded and returned to Cordovan territory. With the pursuit stopped at the nation’s border, the allied forces started work on preparing a simple stronghold.

On the grounds where the battles occurred, Serge learned why Carla couldn’t be counted as part of their war potential.

Regardless of friend or foe, she would heal the wounded with her magic. Because she used her magical power for that, she didn’t use her magic for combat.

There were no deaths among the ally side’s officers. To be precise, Carla resurrected them even if they died. Of course, an enormous amount of magical power was necessary for that. She wouldn’t be able to do it for every soldier.

“There really is a revival magic huh…”

Although Serge felt admiration, even he was busily walking around and distributing supplies.

In the forefront, Manesh’s reinforcements that had finally arrived at this late hour were dispatching supplies.

Ria and Carla were standing before wounded enemies and prisoners, giving a speech.

“Gentlemen, there are few paths you can take.”

It was Ria that raised her voice. Towards Carla, who was standing beside her as though to snuggle, even the enemy soldiers a.s.sumed a praying position as if she were a G.o.ddess. She had likely saved many of them from the brink of death.

“First, you can continue on and choose the path that leads to death, but I don’t recommend it.”

Ria shrugged her shoulders as though she were jesting. The enemy soldiers laughed only in their expressions.

“There is also a path that will see you liberated and returned home. Perhaps most people will choose this one. However, weapons will not be permitted. Minimal rations will be provided.”

At this, many people looked surprised. Prisoners of war were usually restrained for use in prisoner exchange, with the majority sold as slaves. And yet, she said they would be given rations.

Because the battle finished quietly without prolonging, the allied forces had food to spare. Using this, Ria proposed liberating the captives.

Although there were naturally many dissenting opinions on this, in the end, this was added as one of the choices. By daring to liberate their captives, this was intentional advertising towards Cordova’s interior.

“There is a third way, but you will become a slave to our country for three years, pursuing land reclamation for development. You will be freed after three years pa.s.s. a.s.suming you can reclaim a plot of land, you can do as you want with it, even sell it. You are even free to return to Cordova.”

This was an abnormal proposal. If they were enslaved as was normally done, they wouldn’t have a choice in the matter. She would even purposely limit the amount of years, giving them the land when their time was up.

Wasn’t this practically immigration? Or maybe this was part of a population growth policy?

“There are some among you all that are the second or third sons of a farming family, or there may be people originating from low income groups from the city as well. If you do not aspire to return to your hometown, I recommend taking this path.”

Since Cordova’s army definitely had anti-refugee measures in place, this was considerably attractive. Particularly, unlike Cordova, there was a large chance that they wouldn’t be roped into the war.

“And there there is the last path, but people will be chosen for this.”

Ria’s gaze swept over the soldiers. With her forceful discernment, only a few soldiers didn’t flinch.

“I will recruit soldiers to be my, Ryuke Riana’s, bodyguards. For any daredevils among you, I want you to apply.”

Even if they weren’t daredevils, if they called themselves a man, they would be forced to consider it.

Particularly the men who took pride in their strength. Their eyes held a certain gleam. If they hadn’t seen Ria’s crazy fighting, this would have been looked like a good offer.

“As being my bodyguard will be truly dangerous, I only request for genuine soldiers. That is all.”

Ria abruptly turned and left.

Concerning the results, more than half of the soldiers returned to Cordova.

Manesh soldiers escorted them to the border, freeing them there. They hoped that they would propagate the allied force’s political stance throughout Cordova.

Additionally, close to half chose to become slaves. They were sent to clear land in Manesh. Since the area opened for development had brought in golems as an experiment, it wasn’t that harsh of an environment either.

And for those that went with being Ria’s bodyguards, around one hundred soldiers remained. It went without saying that Ria beat down each and every one of the people that claimed to be daredevils, smas.h.i.+ng many noses in.

As for Manesh finis.h.i.+ng the postwar processing and returning, it had been one month since their departure.

Their victory against Cordova in combat provided a huge influence, with most of the surrounding countries joining the alliance and sending delegates. Cordova’s notoriety had reached an extreme.

However, many of the amba.s.sadors came to say similar things.

“By the way, we have heard that your highness still does not have a consort. If you wish, our country has a prince, and he is perfectly of age to be a groom…”

Towards offers like that, Ria answered politely.

“It is unfortunate, but I have no interest in men. I might have accepted a wife though…”

“… Huh?”

Currently, there were no amba.s.sadors capable of proposing to present a princess.

Although things like that were usually discussed in private and not in front of amba.s.sadors, she had made certain that both Carla and s.h.i.+zuna attended.

“Besides, I already have a bride.”

Saying that, she demonstrated towards Carla.

“And a concubine.”

Saying that, she demonstrated towards s.h.i.+zuna.

“Well, I already have enough women for a while. With a beautiful wife and adorable concubine, I don’t have the love to spare.”

Carla’s composed expression didn’t falter, but s.h.i.+zuna looked down with a red face.

Carla was attending in different clothes than her usual knight outfit, she was wearing a dress like a n.o.ble’s daughter.

“B-but then, how will you produce an heir?”

A bewildered amba.s.sador asked.

Even if worrying about a successor was natural for n.o.bles, that story had already been settled.

“It is planned for Manesh’s prince to become my adopted son. It will be formally announced when I ascend to the rank of archd.u.c.h.ess.”

Since it was originally Manesh’s territory, she would adopt the prince as her son and heir. It was a reasonable story.

As expected, since there wouldn’t a successor born, no countries had women that took wives. If there were, it’d be a scandal.

“At any rate, I am too busy. I don’t even have the time to flirt with my bride.”

Ria was grumbling, but the people around her were busy as well. Not to mention Carla, s.h.i.+zuna was also training with the men that had newly become Ria’s bodyguards.

s.h.i.+zuna’s request from Valis was the acquisition of a new Skill.

It was something that Ria and Carla already had from their Gifts, but it was something that ordinary humans couldn’t obtain. It was [Limit Break].

It was a skill said to be able to allow a human to surpa.s.s their limits. While fighting against others, she strove to master this skill.

As she continued exhausting herself trying to master it, Ria wasn’t able to have fun tormenting her at night.

“Even though we’re finally back from the battlefield, it’s nothing but business…”

“Give it up. Such is the way of a statesman.”

Seeing Ria desperately grapple with official doc.u.ments, Guinevere was the one to laugh in response. Although, she also had a mountain of official papers next to her.

Days like that pa.s.sed by, and when Ria finally learned to a.s.sign others to do her business work, something that she was looking forward to finally arrived.

The messenger from Caslia had arrived.

First was the advance force, thirty knights leading three thousand infantry. The face leading them all was one she recognized.


From within the group of knights that lined up before the palace’s plaza, a knight vice-captain appeared.

Taking a knee right there, he made a deep bow to Ria.

“Your highness hasn’t changed at all…”

“No, I’ve changed.”

Her appearance had changed considerably. Above all, her eyes were a different color now.

“You probably have a lot to say too. For now, please come in. Everyone else, be at ease.”

Saying so, Ria had Reyas stand.

The elevation of his gaze was different. Since Reyas hadn’t changed, it was herself that had grown.

“Understood. Then, just one more person with me.”

Reyas raised a hand, calling out a knight’s name.

“Fiona, come!”

As for who came out of the group, it was a knight with a small build. When they took off their helmet and revealed their long black hair, it was no wonder.

A girl. Around the same age as Ria. She was tall for a woman, although it wasn’t as much as Ria. Though it’d be fine to call her a beautiful girl at first, her eyes were dreadful. She seemed to be staring at Ria.

(Wait, is she really staring at me?)

She couldn’t recall the child, but wondered if she had maybe done something bad to her indirectly.

(… I have no idea.)

Since her level was also considerably high, it would’ve been unpleasant for her to have a grudge.

“I am Fiona Uran Crystera. This life, I stake on serving your highness.”

(No no, rather than saying you’ll stake your life, isn’t your gaze saying you’ll stake it on killing me?)

Reyas had the woman that took a knee and declared such stand. The Crystera family should have an earl. That is to say, this young woman’s becoming a knight was something serious to get her family’s understanding for.

“She will serve at your highness’ side, please accept her as your liaison with the knights. As her age is also close to your highness’, please use her without reservation.”

“Please treat me well.”

(Was there some fighting spirit in that? I felt some blood l.u.s.t in that greetings.)

In truth, she really was a capable secretary.

“Fio, take these papers.”


In the blink of an eye, she had already been given a pet name. Their ability to work together was even greater than Lulu’s.

She was probably a person that could properly separate work life and personal life. Although she would often meet with Guinevere as a liaison, her evaluation of her was high as well.

If you excluded s.h.i.+zuna, who shared bedrooms with Ria, Fio, who actually accompanied her for paperwork and troop reviews, she was the person she was in contact with the most.

But even so, Ria was anxious about those eyes that contained vigor as they stared at her.