Chapter 35 (1/2)

The Crimson Swordmage

The city-state of Jaeburg, similar to Shashmeer, was a city that came into existence from trading magic stones and magic crystals produced in the labyrinth.

Only merchants and explorers visited it. Though foolish heroes would occasionally show up to try and bring down the Dragon, they would all die.

The Dark Labyrinth. The labyrinth’s lord, Dark Dragon Valis.

A companion of Founder Leyte Anaia, it was the strongest existence on the continent. It was said that his power exceeded even a G.o.d’s.

There was a toll to enter the city, but they were also questioned.

“Though I can’t see you all as traders… are you explorers?”

His doubt wasn’t that unreasonable. h.e.l.lhound aside, they were obviously children, which weren’t usually explorers.

“No, but our Ojou said that she wanted to see the Dragon.”

The guard looked amazed.

“Apart from Flying Dragons, it’s rare to see Dragons. Moreover when you find them, it’s usually instant death. Be as careful as possible.”

They were heartless words, but they didn’t think too much on it.

As for the town of Jaeburg, it was a city that overflowed with more strength than Shashmeer.

The large amount of people coming and going were clearly explorers. The capability of the city definitely surpa.s.sed Labyrinth City.

More than anything, there were many people with a large amount of magical power. Even if they appeared to be purely warriors, they were probably using body reinforcement magic.

They left the wagon and horses at an inn a guard told them about, heading to the guild. Rudolph was left in a guild stable for the exclusive use of familiars. It would accompany them in the labyrinth.

When they opened the guild’s doors, it looked like another world.

That was just a metaphor. The large amount of sketchy men and few sketchy women filled the area, paying attention to the newly entering group. Then, they froze.

Because the first one to enter was Ria.

Beautiful girls were seldom seen this far out. Her beauty had been increasingly polished from hatching from the egg.

Though for the vulgar men in this city, their eyes dazzled as though looking at a treasure.

Before they could head to the counter, a man appeared and stood in front of Ria.

“Ojou-chan, what are you doing in a place like this?”

He wore a single-mindedly vulgar and l.u.s.tful expression.

Though Ria thought her age would cause these situations to not happen, in this case, her growth backfired on her.

“That’s irrelevant to you guys.”

Speaking from next to the person in front of Ria, a different man appeared.

Just about then, Ria didn’t have much patience left.

Gig and Carlos were starting to panic. On their barbaric journey, they’d come to understand Ria had become warlike.

Though, the warlike Gig was also the same.

“Hey b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, you’re being nuisances to Anego…”

The delinquents seemed to not feel intimidated by Gig’s large build as he said that.

Maybe because they were paralyzed, or maybe they had some capability. Either reason was probably.

“An-chan could easily win with his high level, it’s fine to be reckless.”

Serge spoke to Carlos after using Identify, but it looked like he didn’t need to worry about the small fry.

“The heck’s with this kid!”

“You guys are level thirty-two and thirty-four right? Carlos An-chan is sixty seven ya know?”

Serge flourished his mage’s staff as he spoke. Proving he’d used Identify.

“Bring it on, b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

“I’m comin’ for ya!”

“Don’t take out your weapons!”

Though a voice came from the counter, they didn’t stop.

After that, it was the standard development.

Carlos and Gig took on their opponents bare-handed, throwing them out of the guild.

“Phew, I’m happy I learned hand to hand combat from Ojou.”


The two high-fived each other.

Ria finally headed to register, but yet another person blocked her way.

A woman. No, maybe it was better to say a girl by her age?

Though she was probably older than Ria, she wore a brazen expression, looking like a seasoned explorer.

She had fiery short red hair, matching her red armor. She looked amused as she looked into Ria’s entirely black eyes.

“Not doing it huh, those guards of yours.”

Her appraising glance wasn’t unpleasant, she was a beautiful girl after all.

They weren’t guards, but rather a watchdog and an apprentice, but she didn’t particularly feel the need to correct her. Ria observed the girl in front of her.

A sword hung on her waist. She stood with her feet and shoulder length apart. Her hips were directly below her shoulders. Ria could see her considerable skill in swordsmans.h.i.+p.

Though it’d probably be obvious if Identify was used, Ria felt it was just as important to sense it from the person’s atmosphere.

(Wonder if she’s stronger than Carlos?)

“Is there anything else?”

Though she was interested in the beautiful young girl in front of her, she wanted to hurry up and register for now.

“Nah, those guys you had beat up just now were my henchmen.”