Part 40 (1/2)
At times he was heard giving vent to his vexation. ”Confound it! what does it mean? what is she doing? All behind! Is Newton a fool? Is the law of universal gravitation the law of universal nonsense?” And the little man would seize his head in both his hands, and tear away at the scanty locks which he could ill afford to lose.
Enough was overheard to confirm the suspicion that there was some irreconcilable discrepancy between the results of his computation and what he had actually observed; and yet, if he had been called upon to say, he would have sooner insisted that there was derangement in the laws of celestial mechanism, than have owned there was the least probability of error in any of his own calculations. a.s.suredly, if the poor professor had had any flesh to lose he would have withered away to a shadow.
But this state of things was before long to come to an end. On the 12th, Ben Zoof, who was hanging about outside the great hall of the cavern, heard the professor inside utter a loud cry. Hurrying in to ascertain the cause, he found Rosette in a state of perfect frenzy, in which ecstasy and rage seemed to be struggling for the predominance.
”Eureka! Eureka!” yelled the excited astronomer.
”What, in the name of peace, do you mean?” bawled Ben Zoof, in open-mouthed amazement.
”Eureka!” again shrieked the little man.
”How? What? Where?” roared the bewildered orderly.
”Eureka! I say,” repeated Rosette; ”and if you don't understand me, you may go to the devil!”
Without availing himself of this polite invitation, Ben Zoof betook himself to his master. ”Something has happened to the professor,”
he said; ”he is rus.h.i.+ng about like a madman, screeching and yelling 'Eureka!'”
”Eureka?” exclaimed Servadac. ”That means he has made a discovery;” and, full of anxiety, he hurried off to meet the professor.
But, however great was his desire to ascertain what this discovery implied, his curiosity was not yet destined to be gratified. The professor kept muttering in incoherent phrases: ”Rascal! he shall pay for it yet. I will be even with him! Cheat! Thrown me out!” But he did not vouchsafe any reply to Servadac's inquiries, and withdrew to his study.
From that day Rosette, for some reason at present incomprehensible, quite altered his behavior to Isaac Hakkabut, a man for whom he had always. .h.i.therto evinced the greatest repugnance and contempt. All at once he began to show a remarkable interest in the Jew and his affairs, paying several visits to the dark little storehouse, making inquiries as to the state of business and expressing some solicitude about the state of the exchequer.
The wily Jew was taken somewhat by surprise, but came to an immediate conclusion that the professor was contemplating borrowing some money; he was consequently very cautious in all his replies.
It was not Hakkabut's habit ever to advance a loan except at an extravagant rate of interest, or without demanding far more than an adequate security. Count Timascheff, a Russian n.o.bleman, was evidently rich; to him perhaps, for a proper consideration, a loan might be made: Captain Servadac was a Gascon, and Gascons are proverbially poor; it would never do to lend any money to him; but here was a professor, a mere man of science, with circ.u.mscribed means; did _he_ expect to borrow? Certainly Isaac would as soon think of flying, as of lending money to him. Such were the thoughts that made him receive all Rosette's approaches with a careful reservation.
It was not long, however, before Hakkabut was to be called upon to apply his money to a purpose for which he had not reckoned. In his eagerness to effect sales, he had parted with all the alimentary articles in his cargo without having the precautionary prudence to reserve enough for his own consumption. Amongst other things that failed him was his stock of coffee, and as coffee was a beverage without which he deemed it impossible to exist, he found himself in considerable perplexity.
He pondered the matter over for a long time, and ultimately persuaded himself that, after all, the stores were the common property of all, and that he had as much right to a share as anyone else. Accordingly, he made his way to Ben Zoof, and, in the most amiable tone he could a.s.sume, begged as a favor that he would let him have a pound of coffee.
The orderly shook his head dubiously.
”A pound of coffee, old Nathan? I can't say.”
”Why not? You have some?” said Isaac.
”Oh yes! plenty--a hundred kilogrammes.”
”Then let me have one pound. I shall be grateful.”
”Hang your grat.i.tude!”
”Only one pound! You would not refuse anybody else.”
”That's just the very point, old Samuel; if you were anybody else, I should know very well what to do. I must refer the matter to his Excellency.”
”Oh, his Excellency will do me justice.”