Part 20 (1/2)

Off on a Comet! Jules Verne 53370K 2022-07-22

”How often am I to tell you that Algiers is no longer in existence? Only say yes or no--are you coming with us into winter-quarters?”

”G.o.d of Israel! what is to become of all my property?”

”But, mind you,” continued the captain, not heeding the interruption, ”if you do not choose voluntarily to come with us, I shall have the _Hansa_, by my orders, removed to a place of safety. I am not going to let your cursed obstinacy incur the risk of losing your cargo altogether.”

”Merciful Heaven! I shall be ruined!” moaned Isaac, in despair.

”You are going the right way to ruin yourself, and it would serve you right to leave you to your own devices. But be off! I have no more to say.”

And, turning contemptuously on his heel, Servadac left the old man vociferating bitterly, and with uplifted hands protesting vehemently against the rapacity of the Gentiles.

By the 20th all preliminary arrangements were complete, and everything ready for a final departure from the island. The thermometer stood on an average at 8 degrees below zero, and the water in the cistern was completely frozen. It was determined, therefore, for the colony to embark on the following day, and take up their residence in Nina's Hive.

A final consultation was held about the _Hansa_. Lieutenant Procope p.r.o.nounced his decided conviction that it would be impossible for the tartan to resist the pressure of the ice in the harbor of the Shelif, and that there would be far more safety in the proximity of the volcano. It was agreed on all hands that the vessel must be s.h.i.+fted; and accordingly orders were given, four Russian sailors were sent on board, and only a few minutes elapsed after the _Dobryna_ had weighed anchor, before the great lateen sail of the tartan was unfurled, and the ”shop-s.h.i.+p,” as Ben Zoof delighted to call it, was also on her way to the southward.

Long and loud were the lamentations of the Jew. He kept exclaiming that he had given no orders, that he was being moved against his will, that he had asked for no a.s.sistance, and needed none; but it required no very keen discrimination to observe that all along there was a lurking gleam of satisfaction in his little gray eyes, and when, a few hours later, he found himself securely anch.o.r.ed, and his property in a place of safety, he quite chuckled with glee.

”G.o.d of Israel!” he said in an undertone, ”they have made no charge; the idiots have piloted me here for nothing.”

For nothing! His whole nature exulted in the consciousness that he was enjoying a service that had been rendered gratuitously.

Dest.i.tute of human inhabitants, Gourbi Island was now left to the tenancy of such birds and beasts as had escaped the recent promiscuous slaughter. Birds, indeed, that had migrated in search of warmer, had returned, proving that this fragment of the French colony was the only shred of land that could yield them any sustenance; but their life must necessarily be short. It was utterly impossible that they could survive the cold that would soon ensue.

The colony took possession of their new abode with but few formalities.

Everyone, however, approved of all the internal arrangements of Nina's Hive, and were profuse in their expressions of satisfaction at finding themselves located in such comfortable quarters. The only malcontent was Hakkabut; he had no share in the general enthusiasm, refused even to enter or inspect any of the galleries, and insisted on remaining on board his tartan.

”He is afraid,” said Ben Zoof, ”that he will have to pay for his lodgings. But wait a bit; we shall see how he stands the cold out there; the frost, no doubt, will drive the old fox out of his hole.”

Towards evening the pots were set boiling, and a bountiful supper, to which all were invited, was spread in the central hall. The stores of the _Dobryna_ contained some excellent wine, some of which was broached to do honor to the occasion. The health of the governor general was drunk, as well as the toast ”Success to his council,” to which Ben Zoof was called upon to return thanks. The entertainment pa.s.sed off merrily.

The Spaniards were in the best of spirits; one of them played the guitar, another the castanets, and the rest joined in a ringing chorus.

Ben Zoof contributed the famous Zouave refrain, well known throughout the French army, but rarely performed in finer style than by this _virtuoso:_

_”Misti goth dar dar tire lyre!

Flic! floc! flac! lirette, lira!

Far la rira, Tour tala rire, Tour la Ribaud, Ricandeau, Sans repos, repit, repit, repos, ris pot, ripette!

Si vous attrapez mon refrain, Fameux vous etes.”_

The concert was succeeded by a ball, unquestionably the first that had ever taken place in Gallia. The Russian sailors exhibited some of their national dances, which gained considerable applause, even although they followed upon the marvelous fandangos of the Spaniards. Ben Zoof, in his turn, danced a _pas seul_ (often performed in the Elysee Montmartre) with an elegance and vigor that earned many compliments from Negrete.

It was nine o'clock before the festivities came to an end, and by that time the company, heated by the high temperature of the hall, and by their own exertions, felt the want of a little fresh air. Accordingly the greater portion of the party, escorted by Ben Zoof, made their way into one of the adjacent galleries that led to the sh.o.r.e. Servadac, with the count and lieutenant, did not follow immediately; but shortly afterwards they proceeded to join them, when on their way they were startled by loud cries from those in advance.

Their first impression was that they were cries of distress, and they were greatly relieved to find that they were shouts of delight, which the dryness and purity of the atmosphere caused to re-echo like a volley of musketry.

Reaching the mouth of the gallery, they found the entire group pointing with eager interest to the sky.

”Well, Ben Zoof,” asked the captain, ”what's the matter now?”