Part 12 (2/2)

”Bobby's a great kid,” he said.

”You think so?”


She smiled. His gut clenched tight. Before he could recover, she rose to her feet and approached him. He'd thought he would be safe by the railing, but he was wrong. She moved close to him. Her scent surrounded him. Sweet, tempting. When he'd gone through her things, he hadn't seen any perfume, so the fragrance was uniquely hers.

”You're a good man, Jeff.”

He folded his arms over his chest. ”Not everyone would agree with you.”

”They don't matter.”

She touched his forearm. Fire singed his skin. Why was she doing this? Why was she tempting him?

”I know what you're going through,” she said.

He doubted that. Andie didn't have a clue as to his real mission. He was going to kill her ex-husband, no matter what it cost him. She wouldn't understand that. She would understand it even less if she knew the circ.u.mstances that had brought him here.

”I saw it today,” she said. ”When we were playing ball. I lost my parents when I was eighteen. I was devastated. I can't imagine what it must be like to lose a child.”

Compa.s.sion softened her features. He stiffened. He didn't need her feeling sorry for him, or offering her brand of sympathy. His temper flared. He forced the anger down. It wouldn't accomplish anything.

”In time...” she started.

”What do you know about time?” heasked, his voice low and harsh. ”Leave it alone.”

She was standing too close. He tried to conjure up Jeanne to protect him, but he still couldn't recall what she looked like. All he could see was Andie.

”You'reright, I don't know exactly what you're going through. But I understand part of it. I was in the car when my parents were killed. I saw them die. I know it's hard.” Her fingers pressed against his skin. She stared up at him. ”I just wanted to thank you for taking the time with Bobby. I know he reminds you of your son. I know-”

”Lady, you don't know anything.” Jeff wrenched his arm free of her. His hands curled into fists. The anger burned hotter and became rage. She wanted to care and he wanted her to leave him the h.e.l.l alone. She was too much. Too feminine, too alive. He couldn't resist her. He hated them both for that. Guilt swelled inside of him. Not just because it had been his fault his family had been killed but because she was helping him forget. He didn't want to forget. He wanted to remember forever. If he forgot, they would be truly gone.


Her beautiful face, her tempting curves all taunted him. She made him want things he'd done without for five years. Not her. Anyone but Kray's ex-wife.

”They didn't die in a car accident,” he said slowly. ”It was a car bomb.”

She stared up at him. ”How horrible. I'm so sorry.”

”Are you?” He grabbed her upper arms and shook her. ”Are you really sorry? I'm sure they'll be grateful to know that. Andie Cochran is sorry. Let's all give thanks.”

”Stop it,” she commanded.

He stopped shaking her, but didn't let her go. ”There's more. Do you want more to be sorry about?”

She swallowed. ”Let me go.”

”Not yet.” He moved his head down until their faces were inches apart. ”I'd been working on a case. Chasing a criminal. I'd gotten too close. The car bomb was meant for me.”

She paled under her tan. ”No,” she said, trying to pull free. He held on tighter. ”No, don't say that. Don't tell me that.”

”It's true,” he growled.

She jerked free and covered her ears with her hands. ”No” she said, louder. ”Dammit, not that.”

”Yes, that.” He glared at her. She lowered her hands to her sides. ”Kray set the car bomb. Kray killed my wife and child.”

Chapter 8.

Andie stared at him. The words washed over her, but she didn't hear them. No, that wasn't true. She didn't want to hear them.

Kray set the car bomb. Kray killed my wife and child.

She moaned low in her throat. She refused to believe it was true. Not even Kray would be so cruel. Yet, even as she formed the thought, she knew he could and he had. Her ex-husband. The man she'd married. Bobby's father.

She turned quickly and stepped off the porch. She walked away from the house and circled around the pool. She moved faster until she was jogging, then running. The clouds were low, the air thick with humidity. There was nowhere to go. Bushes and trees crowded in on both sides. She tripped over something sticking out of the sand and fell to her knees. A sob tore at her.

”No,” she cried. ”Dear G.o.d, no.”

Up ahead she could hear the sound of the waves as they crashed against the sh.o.r.e. The tide was in. She staggered to her feet and ran into the surf.

Water swirled around her ankles, then up to her calves. It was warm. The white foam clung to her skin. As she sank down, she felt the first drops of rain on her face. She reached up to brush them away and was surprised to feel tears on her cheek.

Crying would do no good, she told herself, even as the sobs came faster. She caught her breath, trying to stay calm. It was too late. The tears wouldn't erase the past, but she couldn't control them anymore. Her stomach heaved. She coughed,then dropped her chin to her chest. The waves slipped over her thighs and her hands.

The pain started in her chest. She squeezed her eyes tight, but that didn't stop her from imagining the moment. The flare of the bomb. The small pieces of the car littering the sidewalk. The dead body of a child. Jeff's son.

How old had he been when his life had been cut short? What about Jeff's wife? Had their last wordsbeen loving ? Had she smiled, knowing she would see her husband soon? Had she died instantly or had she had time to know she would die and her child with her?

Kray had done it. Andie clutched her hands to her stomach and rocked back and forth. She could see his face. The handsome lines. The brown hair and eyes. He dressed well, walked like an aristocrat, yet he had the soul of the devil.

Murderer!her mind screamed. Killer of children. Husband. Father. Dear G.o.d, she'd made love with a madman. She'd held him and promised to love him forever. She was as guilty as he. The sin was just as much hers. Innocence and foolishness weren't excuses. She should have known. She should have seen the truth.

The rain fell harder. She raised her head toward the murky night sky, letting the drops wash away her tears.

What did the explosion sound like? Did Jeff hear it night after night in his dreams? Did he feel the heat of the fire? Did he hear their screams?

More tears, more sobs. She cried until she was empty and shaking. She cried until her throat was raw. The guilt, the pain. She would never forget. Never forgive. No wonder he hated her. She was alive, and his wife was dead.

She rocked back and forth in the surf, holding in the pain. In time it would fade. Even if she held on to it, eventually the edges would be blunted. But she would never forget. Not even after Kray was gone.

No wonder Jeff had been sent in to capture Kray. He was the best man to lead the team. He wouldn't let anything get in the way. She stopped moving and stared into the darkness. Only, she'd gotten in the way. She'd interfered when he'd tried to take Kray. Oh, G.o.d, why?
