Part 5 (2/2)
”It is to me.”
”Yeah, right. That's why you've been so friendly to me.”
Blue eyes met and held her own. Something ugly and painful flashed across his expression. Something that made herwant to touch him and ease the suffering. Then it was gone and she was looking at the cool expression of a handsome, but deadly stranger.
”It's not you. It's your lousy taste in men.”
If he was talking about Kray, she had no reb.u.t.tal. She understood why he made his judgment, but she didn't have to like it. ”Everybody gets one mistake. He's mine,” she said flippantly, so he wouldn't know how his words had stung. ”Come on, Bobby. Let's go find our pilot.”
She collected her small cloth suitcase and filled it with the remaining water bottles. Bobby refused any bread or fruit, stubbornly insisting he wanted a hot dog. Andie prayed for patience.
When she'd settled her purse strap over her shoulder, she looked at the buildings,then started out toward the largest. It wasn't much bigger than a two-car garage, but she could hear voices from inside. Before she entered the building, Jeff touched her arm.
”Let me keep the boy,” he said.
She stared up at him as her heart began to pound against her ribs. Oh, no. Not that. She'd trusted him and now he was going to steal her child? It wasn't fair. She glanced around wildly for a weapon or something to hold him off. He grabbed her arm. ”Dammit, that's not what I meant.” His fingers bit into her. ”Stop it, Andie. I'm not going to hurt you or Bobby.”
She swallowed the fear and struggled for control. ”Then what are you saying?”
”I don't like this.” He jerked his head toward the building. ”It's been too easy and I have a bad feeling. What I'm saying is that I'll stay here with Bobby while you go make your deal with the pilot. If something happens I'm not saying it will but if something happens, he won't know about Bobby.”
”What could happen?”
From Jeff's shuttered expression, he could probably name her a hundred things, but he didn't detail them. Instead, he shrugged as if to say it was up to her.
He made sense. She hated that. He didn't like her because of Kray and he expected her to leave her son with him? She couldn't.
She didn't have another choice.
”Stand just outside the door so I can see you,” she said, then looked at Bobby and tried to smile. ”Stay here with Jeff. I'll be right back.”
”But I'm hungry.”
”I know.” Andie left her suitcase beside Bobby, then straightened her back and marched into the building. When she crossed the threshold, she looked back to make sure Jeff was right where she'd left him. He was.
Inside the building, several large airplane engines lay in pieces. Four men were bent over different workbenches. The room smelled of sweat, beer and machine oil. Andie walked to a cleared section in the center and waited for someone to notice her. Finally, the dark-haired man closest to her looked up.
”Can I help you, lady?” he asked, getting to his feet and smiling at her.
She smiled tightly back and was grateful Jeff's hat hid her hair color. The way this man's gaze was roving over her body, he would have every detail memorized.
She glanced at his wrist, but didn't see a snake tattoo. ”I'm here to meet a pilot. His name is Michael.”
The dark-haired man frowned. ”Michael no here.”
”We were supposed to meet at one.”
”Michael no coming in.”
She didn't like this one bit. Andie glanced over her shoulder. Jeff and Bobby weren't in the doorway. She was about to panic, when she saw a flash of red from Jeff's tank top. They were just outside the door, keeping out of sight. She hadn't completely agreed with the precaution before, but the bad feeling growing in her stomach told her it was for the best.
”Why won't he be in?”
Dark brown eyes met hers. ”None of the pilots are coming in today. All flights out have been canceled.”
”Canceled? Why? The weather's perfect.”
”Not weather, lady.” The man pulled a rag out of his pocket and started cleaning his hands. ”Orders. No flights leave today. Maybe not tomorrow, either.”
Kray. He'd ordered the airport closed. d.a.m.n.
”You tell me what you want,” the man said, moving closer. ”I can help.”
”I don't need anything,” she said, backing up slowly. ”Really. Michael was just going to ...ah, he was going to give me a tour of the island from the air. He was recommended by my boss back inNew Jersey.”
”Michael nogive tours,” the man said. ”Who are you? What's your name?”
From behind her came a sharp cry. ”Let me go! Mommy, make him let me go. I'm hungry. I want a hot dog.” The man whirled toward the sound. ”Who's that? Your boy?”
He said something in a language she'd never heard before. The other three men rose from their benches.
”Dammit, run,” Jeff called to her.
She turned and ran. The mechanic raced after her. By the time she reached the open door, Jeff already had the Jeep started and was circling around toward her. She heard the man behind her gaining. She dug deep for her fading last reserves and lunged for the vehicle. Jeff leaned across and opened the pa.s.senger's door. Bobby was in the back seat, clinging to the sides, crying.
”Mommy, he's right behind you. Mommy!” The man reached for her. She felt the brush of his fingers against her back. She shrieked and dove for the seat. The man grabbed again, this time tugging off her wide-brimmed hat.
As the Jeep sped off, she glanced back and saw him staring after them. His expression hardened as he took in her features. A blond woman with a boy. He would be able to identify her to Kray.
She was trapped on Kray's island, trying to kidnap Kray's only son. She was alone with no way to escape. She looked at Jeff. He didn't spare her a glance as he drove expertly over the winding roads, turning again and again, as if he feared they were being followed.
”You all right?” he asked at last.
”Yes,” she whispered, knowing she had to lie for Bobby's sake at least.
”You can kiss your plane ride goodbye,” he said.
”I figured that.”
”Now what?” he asked.
Now what?she echoed silently, then bit down on her lower lip to stifle the sob that threatened. Now she looked until she found another way out.
Chapter 4.