Part 17 (2/2)


Exchanging Fear for Faith We all know what fear feels like. It is tormenting and prevents our progress. Fear can cause us to shake, perspire, feel weak, and run from things we should face.

We should have a type of reverential fear of G.o.d we call ”holy fear.” It is a respectful fear of G.o.d that causes us to walk in obedience to Him because we know He is powerful and we should always do as He says. It is a right fear that realizes G.o.d means what He says and our lives always work out best if we follow His instructions.

There is also what I will term a ”normal” fear that helps us in some situations. The purpose for feeling the fear described above is for ”fight or flight” in emergencies. Sometimes we need the instant alertness and enormous boost of energy to handle immediate potentially dangerous situations. For example, I once had a friend who had a teenage son who suddenly had a convulsion. She lived about three blocks from a hospital and without even thinking about what she was doing, she picked up her son who was larger than her and carried him the three blocks. Her body produced extra adrenaline that enabled her to do something she could not have done normally. In this instance the fear she felt was a good thing.

But many people live daily with fear that is not from G.o.d but is Satan's tool to prevent us from living the good life G.o.d has for us. Second Timothy 1:7 tells us G.o.d has not given us the spirit of fear; He has given us a spirit of power, love, and a sound, well-balanced mind.

G.o.d wants us to live in faith. Faith is the leaning of our entire personalities on Him with absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness. It is the evidence of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality.

Faith operates in the spiritual realm. Many people are accustomed to believing only in things they can see and feel, but as children of G.o.d, to live in the fullness of the new life G.o.d intends, we learn to become comfortable living in the spiritual realm, one we cannot see. We don't see G.o.d because He is a Spirit, but we believe firmly in Him. We don't usually see angels, but G.o.d's Word says they are all around us protecting us. By believing in G.o.d and His Word and releasing our faith in Him to do as He promises in His Word, we can reach into the spiritual realm and pull things out into visual reality G.o.d wants us to enjoy.

As children of G.o.d, to live in the fullness of the new life G.o.d intends, we learn to become comfortable living in the spiritual realm, one we cannot see.

Satan delights in calling our attention to circ.u.mstances opposing the promises of G.o.d we know to be true in an attempt to make us fearful of the future. G.o.d, however, wants us to trust our present and future to Him and believe He is greater than any circ.u.mstance or threat from the devil. Great examples of men and women in desperate circ.u.mstances with fear filling their hearts who decided to put their faith in G.o.d appear throughout the Bible. The Bible gives us the many different accounts of the glorious deliverances each person experienced.

Once you become a Christian, you can still live your life being tormented by fears of all kinds unless you decide to live by faith. You must decide whether you will live in fear or in faith. You received Jesus as your Savior by faith; the next step is to learn to live by faith. It is the matter of the practice of making right choices, in other words, choosing faith in each situation that tries to bring fear to you. After you make the right choice, you may still feel fear trying to take you over, but despite the feeling, keep moving forward and taking the action corresponding with your decision.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but it is taking action in the presence of it. When G.o.d told His servants not to fear, He wasn't commanding them not to feel fear; He was telling them to be obedient to Him no matter how they felt. G.o.d knows the spirit of fear will always try to keep us from making progress in our walk with Him. He reminds us over and over in His Word, He is always with us; He will not fail or forsake us, and we do not have to bow down to fear.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, ”You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Only faith pleases G.o.d. We receive from G.o.d through faith. It is of utmost importance for the new believer in Christ to learn about faith and begin walking in it. Developing strong faith is done just like developing strong muscles: you exercise your faith little by little and each time you do it gets stronger.

Matthew 17:20 teaches us that all things are possible to him who believes. Even little faith can move mountains of trouble in our lives. If you have spent your life trying to solve all your own problems and have often felt frustrated and disappointed, you are on the brink of a new experience. In inviting G.o.d to become involved in everything concerning you, you will find what is impossible with man is possible with G.o.d. According to our faith, it will be done for us (see Matthew 9:29).

If you have lived in fear, it is good to know you can begin exchanging fear for faith in G.o.d. Remember all this learning of new ways takes time. Don't be discouraged and give up. Everything in the earth works according to the law of gradual growth. Little by little everything changes if we keep doing what G.o.d tells us to do. As we grow in understanding the depth of G.o.d's love for us and the realization we have been made right with G.o.d through the death and resurrection of Jesus, little by little we find it easier and easier to walk in faith.


Enjoying Life Many people have difficulty accepting this fact: They are free to enjoy their lives. The devil has done a good job of deceiving them. But the truth is Jesus came to free us from bondage; He came to give us the power to live life in abundance to the full, to the point of overflowing. It is G.o.d's will for us to enjoy our lives. Not everything will go just as we would like; we will still have difficulties. But enjoying life does mean we can rise above the misery in the world and share a resurrected life through Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit. It means we can enjoy life even while we are having difficulty or challenges in our own lives.

People who think knowing G.o.d is only a relations.h.i.+p involving following a set of rules have no idea how wonderful life can be for the person living in true relations.h.i.+p with and for G.o.d. G.o.d is our real life. In Him we live and move and have our being. Learning to enjoy G.o.d releases us to enjoy every single day of our lives.

Enjoy fellows.h.i.+p with Him. G.o.d is concerned about anything that concerns you, and the Bible actually says G.o.d will perfect what concerns you. He is working in your life at all times, bringing you more completely into His will.

Don't be afraid of G.o.d in a wrong way. It is true we should have a reverential fear of G.o.d, respecting Him and knowing He is all powerful and means what He says. But we should never be afraid of G.o.d becoming angry with us every time we make a mistake or of punis.h.i.+ng us every time we fail to be perfect. G.o.d is merciful and slow to anger. He is long-suffering and knows our makeup. He understands our weaknesses and infirmities.

If you are like many other people, you have a number of areas in your life and personality needing change, and G.o.d will change them. But, the good news is you can enjoy G.o.d and enjoy your life while He is transforming those areas.

Although your life right now may not be the type of life you see for yourself in G.o.d, it is the only one you have at the present time. You need to start enjoying it! Find the good things in it. Accentuate the positive and learn to see the good in everything. Enjoy your family and friends. Don't pick them apart and spend most of your time being very busy trying to change them. Pray for them and let G.o.d do the changing.

Enjoy your work, enjoy your home, and enjoy ordinary, everyday life. This is possible if you trust G.o.d and decide to have a good att.i.tude. Keep your eyes on G.o.d and not everything wrong with you, your life, your family, and the world. G.o.d has a good plan for you, and He is already starting to work in you to transform you even though you may not yet be able to see outward results. Go ahead and rejoice ahead of time in looking forward to the good things to come.

Although your life right now may not be the type of life you see for yourself in G.o.d, it is the only one you have at the present time. You need to start enjoying it!
