Part 3 (1/2)

G.o.d wants to be involved in even the smallest details of our lives.

Also difficult for our finite minds to grasp and believe is that G.o.d wants to be involved in even the smallest details of our lives. Don't ever hesitate to take what you think are small things to G.o.d. After all, everything is small to G.o.d. Sometimes we act as if we will tax G.o.d's ability if we ask Him for too much help. I remember a woman who came to me for prayer and wanted to know if it would be all right if she asked G.o.d for two things. If not, she a.s.sured me that she would only ask for one. It always makes me sad when I hear people say things like that. I want everyone to know how generous G.o.d is and that He wants to give even more than we know how to ask for. You have not because you ask not (see James 4:2), so go ahead and ask boldly because it is G.o.d's will that you do so.

It is vital to know what G.o.d's Word says about His role in your life, because it confirms His divine plan to be intimately involved with all that concerns you. G.o.d's Word says to acknowledge Him in all our ways and He will direct our paths (see Proverbs 3:6). To acknowledge G.o.d simply means to care what He thinks and to ask for His opinion. Proverbs 3:7 says, ”Be not wise in your own eyes.” In other words, don't even think you can run your life and do a good job without G.o.d's help and direction. It takes most of us far too long to learn this important lesson.

The world makes it easy for us to fill our ears with all kinds of things that drown out the voice of G.o.d and place Him far in the background of our lives. However, the day comes for every person when only G.o.d remains. Everything else in life is currently pa.s.sing away; and when it does, G.o.d will still be here.

Nothing can satisfy our longing for G.o.d, except communion and fellows.h.i.+p with Him. Hearing from G.o.d is vital to enjoying G.o.d's eternal plan for our lives. Listening to G.o.d is our decision; no one else can make it for us. G.o.d won't force us to choose His will, but He will do everything He can to encourage us to say yes to His ways.


The Most Direct Way An experience my husband and I had reminded me of the way life goes when we think living the way we want is better than following the leading of G.o.d's Holy Spirit. When Dave and I travel, we sometimes hire a guide to show us the best and most important places to see. One time we decided to explore without following a guide. We thought we would have a better experience by doing what we wanted, when we wanted. Instead, we quickly discovered our independent trips were almost a complete waste of time. We spent a large part of the day losing our way and another large part of the day trying to find the way out. The experience of wandering aimlessly trying to find particular places taught us following a guide is a much wiser use of our time.

The Holy Spirit is ready to guide us all day, every day. When we go our own way, thinking a life of doing what we want to do when we want to do it will be good, we lose so much time trying to find our way, we can waste our entire lives. G.o.d is committed to guiding us. Learning how to hear and follow Him is very important.

The Bible is full of great promises for our individual walk with G.o.d. The Lord will lead us step by step. By faith, we take the step He has shown us, and then He gives us the next one. At times we may stumble and fall down, but He always helps us back up. We continue forward in His strength and His grace, knowing that every time we face a fork in the road G.o.d will guide us.

G.o.d wants us to care about what He thinks, and quite often if we show we do by seeking Him, He responds by saying, ”Do all that is in your heart, I am with you in all that you do.” G.o.d is not a dictator; He is our Divine Partner in life. He allows us the freedom of making many choices. When we receive Jesus as Savior, G.o.d gives us a new heart and puts His Spirit in us (see Ezekiel 36:26). He writes His law (His will) in our hearts and expects us to follow what we find there. It is important that we do not over-spiritualize hearing from G.o.d and make it a difficult thing to do. The longer you walk with G.o.d, the easier it is to follow Him.

G.o.d is not a dictator; He is our Divine Partner in life. He allows us the freedom of making many choices.

G.o.d will guide us in the way to go, but then we have to do the walking. A walk with G.o.d takes place through one step of obedience at a time. Some people want the entire blueprint for their lives before making one decision. G.o.d does not usually operate that way. He leads us one step at a time.


Looking Ahead One of the many benefits of hearing from G.o.d is the help He gives us to prepare for the future. The Holy Spirit gives us the message the Father gave Him. He declares to us things that will happen in the future.

We see many instances in the Bible when G.o.d gave people information about the future. Noah was told to prepare for a flood (see Genesis 6:1317). When Moses was told to go to Pharaoh and ask for the release of the Israelites, he was also told Pharaoh would not let them go (see Exodus 7). Obviously, G.o.d does not tell us everything that will happen in the future, but the Bible says He will tell us of things to come.

There are times when I can sense inside my spirit that something good is going to happen, or at times something challenging. Of course when I sense something challenging is about to happen, I always hope I am wrong and that it is just my imagination, but if I am right, then having the knowledge ahead of time acts as a shock absorber in my life. If an automobile has good shock absorbers on it and hits a hole in the road, it cus.h.i.+ons the impact for the pa.s.sengers and no one gets hurt. G.o.d giving us information ahead of time serves the same purpose.

I remember many times like this, but one in particular was when I felt strongly inside my heart that one of my children was really struggling with something major. When I asked, my child told me everything was just fine, but by the Spirit I knew something was wrong. Several days later I received some news that was painful and discouraging, but it would have been a lot more difficult had I not been given a previous warning.

First Corinthians 2:5 teaches us to put our faith not in the wisdom of men (human philosophy) but in the power of G.o.d. Verse 11 says no one discerns the thoughts of G.o.d except the Spirit of G.o.d. Since the Holy Spirit knows the secret counsels of G.o.d, it is vital for us to know how to hear what He wants to say to us. The Holy Spirit will help us realize and comprehend and appreciate the gifts of divine favor and blessings G.o.d bestows on us. Human wisdom doesn't teach us this truth, but it is from the Holy Spirit who gives us the mind of Christ (see vv. 1213).

The Holy Spirit knows both the mind of G.o.d and G.o.d's individual plan for you. His road map for you is not necessarily like anybody else's, so it doesn't work to try to pattern your life after what someone else heard from G.o.d. G.o.d has a unique plan for you, and the Holy Spirit knows what it is and will reveal it to you. You must get comfortable being an individual who is not like everyone else. G.o.d likes creativity and He moves in a variety of ways.

When G.o.d shows us something that is to take place in the future, He rarely tells us the exact time it will take place. This can be frustrating to us unless we learn to trust G.o.d's timing. The Bible says our times are in His hands. G.o.d put a dream in my heart to teach His Word to large numbers of people. I felt very sure I heard from G.o.d and began teaching a small Bible study. I spent a lot of time being frustrated because I thought everything would happen right away. I did not know that G.o.d's way is usually to start small and gradually allow growth as we prove we are capable of handling it. I encourage you to enjoy where you are at on the way to where you are going. Enjoy today while you embrace tomorrow by faith. Do not despise the day of small beginnings and always remember G.o.d may not show up early, but He will never be late.

Enjoy where you are at on the way to where you are going.