Part 79 (1/2)
He had sent once more for McClellan and in painful silence, all others excluded from the Executive Chamber, awaited his coming.
”You are doubtless aware, General,” the President began, ”that a defeat at Gettysburg might involve the fall of the Capital and the dismemberment of the Union?”
”I am, sir.”
”First, I wish to speak to you with perfect frankness about some ugly matters which have come to my ears--may I?”
The compelling blue eyes flashed and the General spoke with an accent of impatience:
”A number of Secret Societies have overspread the North and Northwest, whose purpose is to end the war at once and on any terms. I have the best of reasons for believing that the men back of these Orders are now in touch with the Davis Government in Richmond. I am informed that a coterie of these conspirators, a sort of governing board, have gotten control or may get control of the organization of your Party. I have heard the ugly rumor that they are counting on you----”
”Stop!” McClellan shouted.
The General sprang to his feet, the President rose and the two men confronted each other in a moment of tense silence.
The compact figure of McClellan was trembling with rage--the tall man's sombre eyes holding his with steady purpose.
”No man can couple the word treason with my name, sir!” the General hissed.
”Have I done so?”
”You are insinuating it--and I demand a retraction!”
The President smiled genially:
”Then I apologize for my carelessness of expression. I have never believed you a traitor to the Union.”
”Thank you!”
”I don't believe it now, General. That's why I've sent for you.”
”Then I suggest that you employ more caution in the use of words if this conversation is to continue.”
”Again I apologize, General, with admiration for your manner of meeting the ugly subject. I'm glad you feel that way--and now if you will be seated we can talk business.”
McClellan resumed his seat with a frown and the President went on:
”I have sent for you to ask an amazing thing----”
”Hence the secrecy with which I am summoned?”
”Exactly. I'm going to ask you to take my place and save the Union.”
McClellan's handsome face went white:
”What do you mean?”
”Exactly what I've said.”