Part 52 (1/2)
”I hope you won't think me presumptuous, Mr. President, if I ask you to tell me why you recalled General McClellan?”
The rugged face suddenly flashed with a smile.
”Presumptuous?” he laughed. ”My dear child, if you could have heard a few things my Cabinet had to say to me in this room on that subject! The tender deference with which you put the question is the nearest thing to an endors.e.m.e.nt I have so far received! Go as far as you like after that opening. It will be a joy to discuss it with you. Presumptuous--Oh, my soul!”
He caught his knee between his hands and rocked with laughter at the memory of his Cabinet scene.
Rea.s.sured by his manner Betty leaned closer:
”You remember the morning you gave me the pa.s.s to Alexandria?”
”To see a certain young man?”
”You distinctly gave me the impression that morning that you were sure General McClellan was betraying his trust in his failure to support General Pope and that your confidence in him was gone forever.”
”Did I?”
”Then it wasn't far from the truth,” he gravely admitted.
”And yet you recalled him to the command of the army?”
”I had to.”
”Had to?”
”It was the only thing to do.”
Betty spoke in a whisper:
”You mean that their conspiracy had become so dangerous there was no other way?”
He threw her a searching look, was silent a moment and slowly said:
”That's a pointed question, isn't it?”
”I'm a member of your Cabinet, you know----”
”Yes, I know--but why do _you_ happen to ask me such a dangerous question at this particularly trying moment? Come, my little bright eyes, out with it?”
”The certain young man and I are not very happy----”
”You've quarrelled?”