Part 30 (1/2)
But during this discussion of terms Pollyooly's face had fallen; and its brightness was dimmed. Somewhat plaintively she said:
”But please, your Grace. If it's going to take six weeks what's to become of the Lump?”
”Yes: there's certainly the Lump to be considered,” said the Honourable John Ruffin, frowning.
”I couldn't go away for six whole weeks and leave the Lump,” said Pollyooly.
”And who, or what, is the Lump?” said the duke somewhat impatiently.
”The Lump's her little brother. She mothers him,” explained the Honourable John Ruffin.
”Well, surely she can find some one to take charge of him for six weeks. I'm paying her enough,” said the duke.
”Oh, no, your Grace. I couldn't let anybody but myself look after him for a whole six weeks. I couldn't really. I shouldn't feel that they would do it properly--all the time. I can't go away and leave him for six weeks,” said Pollyooly; and it was plain enough that she was quite sincere in her aversion from doing so.
Indeed she spoke in a tone of unshakable resolution; and the Honourable John Ruffin and the duke gazed at one another nonplussed. Pollyooly gazed at the Honourable John Ruffin with expectant eyes; she had a great belief in his powers. But he only frowned, pondering; and the duke scratched his head.
Then she said in a tone of faint hopefulness:
”But couldn't I take the Lump with me?”
”That's a solution,” said the Honourable John Ruffin quickly.
”Oh, hang it! I couldn't turn up with two children. It would upset the apple-cart,” the duke protested.
The face of the Honourable John Ruffin grew clear; and he said firmly:
”It looks the only solution; and after all why shouldn't you adopt the Lump? People do adopt children.”
”Not dukes,” said the duke coldly.
”Oh, if you break the ice, I expect they'll adopt them by the dozen,”
said the Honourable John Ruffin cheerfully. ”There isn't any real reason why you shouldn't. You have this new and very proper desire to become thoroughly domesticated. The Lump is one of the very people to gratify it. Besides, it will give the people at the court something to talk about, and take their minds off Pollyooly.”
”I should jolly well think it would!” growled the duke.
”Well, it's the only thing to do,” said the Honourable John Ruffin.
”Do you think so?” said the duke doubtfully; and he blinked.
”I'm sure of it,” said the Honourable John Ruffin confidently. ”You can't have Pollyooly without the Lump.”
The duke shook his head, turned to Pollyooly, and said:
”I tell you what: I'll make it eight pounds a week, if you'll come alone.”
Pollyooly shook her head and said sadly:
”I couldn't, your Grace. I couldn't really.”