Part 82 (1/2)

”Getting closer, ain't he?” whispered Bob hoa.r.s.ely. ”Yes. I'm afraid so.”

”Pull, pull!”

Dexter needed no telling, and he tugged away at the oar as the boat glided a little more swiftly on.

”Ain't leaving him behind, are we!” growled Bob, whose face now grew convulsed with horror. ”No; I'm afraid he's coming nearer.”

”Oh dear, oh dear!” groaned Bob. ”He'll half-kill me, and it's all your fault. Let's stop rowing and give him the boat.”

”That we won't,” cried Dexter, setting his teeth. ”I'll row till I die first.”

”But it'll only make him more savage,” growled Bob. ”I wish I was safe at home.”

”You're not half-pulling, Bob.”

”It's of no use, matey. He's sure to ketch us, and the furder we rows, the more wild he'll be.”

”I don't care,” cried Dexter; ”he shan't have it if I can help it.


In his most cowardly moments Bob was obedience itself, and breaking out into a low sobbing whimper, as if it were a song to encourage him in his task, he rowed on with all his might, while only too plainly it could be seen that the man was gaining steadily upon them in spite of the clumsiness of his boat; and consequently it was only a question of time before the boys were overtaken, for the muscles of the man were certain to endure longer than those of Dexter, untrained as they were to such work.

”He's closer, ain't he?” whined Bob.

”Yes, ever so much,” replied Dexter, between his set teeth.

”Well, jest you recollect it was you hit him that whack on the head. I didn't do nothing.”

”Yes, you did,” said Dexter sharply. ”You said, _yah_! at him, and called him names.”

”No, I didn't. Don't you be a sneak,” whined Bob. ”You were ever so much worse than me. Is he coming closer?”


It was a fact, closer and closer, and the tide ran so strongly now that the boys had hard work to make much progress. They did progress, though, all the same, for their boat was narrow and sharp. Still the current was dead against them, and their want of movement added to their despair.

Bad as it was for them, however, it was worse for the man in his heavy little broadly-bowed tub; and so it happened that just as Bob began to row more slowly, and burst into a fit of howling, which made Dexter feel as if he would like to turn and hit him over the head with his oar--a contact of scull against skull--the man suddenly ceased rowing, turned in his seat, and sat shaking his fist at them, showing his teeth in his impotent rage.

”There!” cried Bob, who was transformed in an instant. ”We've bet him.

He can't pull no further. Yah! yah!”

Bob changed back to his state of cowardly prostration, and began to tug once more at his oar, for his derisive yell galvanised the man once more into action, and the pursuit was continued.

”Oh!” howled Bob. ”Who'd ha' thought o' that?”

”Who's stupid now?” panted Dexter, as he too rowed with all his might.

Bob did nothing but groan, and the pursuit and flight were once more continued, each moment with despair getting a stronger hold of the fugitives. The oar felt hot in Dexter's blistered hands, a peculiar sensation of heaving was in his chest, his eyes began to swim, and he was just about to cease rowing, when he could hardly believe his starting eyes--their enemy had once more given up the pursuit, and was sitting wrenched round, and staring after them.