Vol 1 Chapter 11 (1/2)

Episode 11 : Crossbow

「Earth. Please hear my instruction」

Appealing to the Earth, a circ.u.mference of 100 meters including underground was a.n.a.lyzed, geological features were investigated.

「Alright, this is quality land.  Clay and Quartz are both adequately present」

It is the thing I was searching for, a sigh of relief was expressed。

Both of the two are substances that are present in the ground  anywhere。Small quant.i.ties of clay can taken from the ground with a bit of difficult digging, quartz is everywhere as long as there is sand, of course it is all naturally mixed in there.

Anyone happens to be looking  would see  a white milky stone in sand pit. That would be quartz.

「【Buss.h.i.+tsu Sousa (Matter Manipulation):Nendo (Clay)】」

The Mana of the Earth was influenced by the magic to extract  a specific substance.

Impurities stripped away and taken out of the clay that was blown up from the ground.

It billows up while surrounding me,  drawing up an enclosure that has a radius of 30 meters.

And then its volume extends skyward, once it stretches up to about 5 meters it closes in to the center of the circle, and then meets at the summit.

Just now, I hade completed a dome made of clay.

There were several spread out 60 cm piece square holes, furthermore, there is a opening of about 2m in one place facing the ground.

I go outside throught that.

「【Buss.h.i.+tsu Sousa (Matter Manipulation):Sekiei (Quartz)】」

And then, quartz was processed around the small square opening, and was arranged in order to fill in the hole.

The process finished after calling on the Earth Mana, it is called upon to fix it into the perfect  spot.

「Now time for the Fire. Mana of Fire. Lend your Power. 【Goku En (Prison Flame)】」

An enormous flame is created by calling on the Fire Mana.

The affinity level is at 80, though it falls behind Earth, still the quality of the affinity is exceedingly more than sufficient.

The dome has a radius of 30 meters, that is because there is a limit to how well I can control the fire. It is very difficult to handle Fire Mana, even with my Skill and Magical Power,  any more and it would be unreasonable.

The flame I summoned was able to completely swallow up the dome made from clay and quartz.

In tune with the Fire Mana, the dome kept being heated up while its state was being checked and adjusted.

Little by little, the reddish brown clay becomes tough bricks, and next to them the quartz melts into a red liquid.

Starting the tuning with the Earth Mana as the first step, and then taking a tight control over Fire at the same time, it is managable somehow or another because Kuīro is loved by ores and minerals.

Impurities were filtered out from the quartz that is nearly a red burning liquid. Unlike the clay, the impurities of the quartz could not be removed unless it were in this state of matter.

Perfectly, the clay hardedns, the impurities from the quartz was confirmed to be completely eliminated by my conversion magic.

「【Reikyaku (Cooling)】」

Fire Magic is not only just an attribute of simply a magic that specializes in burning. Its true nature is that of heat manipulation. Those extraordinarily proficient at it can even remove heat.

Taking away the remaining heat from the burning clay, the red hot melted quartz began to cool down.

And with that, the quartz had started to become transparent, with it transforming into a magnificent quartz gla.s.s. The transparancy of the gla.s.s produced with quartz is absurdly high that ordinary gla.s.s wouldn’t even be a good comparison.

「Alright, it is finished. As one would expect from a Dwarf. Contructing a workshop made of bricks in only ten minutes」

The level of skill would fill even me with admiration if I would say so myself.

Baking clay to turn them into bricks. Gathering Quartz and then melting it into gla.s.s. Although all of it were simple processes, there would be considerable equipment and costs in order to do so normally.

Reasonably, because when it comes to contructing a house, nonetheless it would cease to be labeled as simple work. Clay baked into bricks would change size, quartz would become smaller when impurities were removed.

Before the baking step, how it changes would have to be read completely by intuition and experience. For sure the dwarf’s intuition, it is where Kuīro’s true worth is shown.

「Now then, shall I throw in the armors and swords」

The armors and swords were processed by mineral manipulation with the power of the Earth Mana that I borrowed, after sending it in through a spot that has a door like opening.

Earth Magic is convenient as expected. It is annoying to be unable to normally handle it in the form of an elf.

「I wonder how much could be a.s.sembled today」

I melted the armors into a syrup with Fire Magic, furthermore  the minerals are controlled with Earth Magic, the metal towards the entrance was turning into a fluid. A simple door was made to cool things down, furthermore, additional parts were affixed to make opening and closing it possible.

With this, the workshop is complete.

Finally the weapons production can really begin.

Concentrating, the magic was invoked, the armor and swords all melted.

「In any event the Empire’s iron manufacturing technology is still very immature. There are too many impurities」

Iron ore without any changes in terms of usage is not that much of a durable material.

Therefore, the impurities has to be eliminated in the iron to change it, moreover a high output furnace along with a certain amount of knowledge and technique is required. The swords and armors that I melted down were quite poor.

Various metals in the mixed and blended together state of the Sword and Armor lumps were dissolved, one by one each metal is sorted, and ingots are made.

By doing it this way the melted ingots can now intentionally have impurities mixed in to create Steel.

Pure Iron is great. But, the introduction of impurities mixed in on purpose can change it into a different more suitable metal.

What is being made right now is the rim of the Bow. It is the piece where the bowstring is set up.

What is desired is, a good flexible spring board for performance. The rim is completed with a suitable alloy by adding a metal to surround it according to a Dwarf’s iron based experience and intuition.

Using the impurities in the metal that orginally came from the armors and swords, I created the the best and most optimal metal.

And then, the ma.s.s is now molded into the shape of rim.

The size is approximately 50 cm. For a rim of a bow it is quite small in size but it is fine like this. At any rate I am making a crossbow and this is the part is exactly what is desired.

Including the spares more than 50 units were made. The Craftsmans.h.i.+p of a Dwarf forming the shape  doesn’t have even 1 mm of difference and all 50 rims are completed with perfection.

Furthermore the next step is the arrow firing support next to the reel. Then the trigger divided into two parts, finally the pedal of iron attached to the cross bow at a specific point and completed one after the other.

Each construction was simple since the parts could be produced with a simple mold practically with easy control. As expected of metal melting and hardening, even for me it is impossible to make a crossbow all in one go.

「Next would be the arrow, the screw, and power spring」

I built the arrow, spring, and screw with no more than the necessary amount of iron. Since the parts of this category are reusable in others in any amount a lot were made.

The Crossbow arrow,  is called a bolt with a thick and short iron  rod. It is built into the perfect shape to raise penetration power. When the stage of this process is cut the accuracy would sharply decline.