Part 42 (1/2)

For I did not wish, as yet, that Montignac should know what was going on.

Through the closed door and the thick tapestried walls, only a loud cry, or some such sound as a stroke on the resonant bowl or tray, could have reached him. We had spoken in careful tones, La Chatre not daring to raise his voice. Thus the closing of the door, intended by the governor to make Montignac safer from a sudden rush on my part, now served my own purpose. It is true that, since Frojac had appeared, and the governor could not make his signal, I might have summoned Montignac by a single stroke, and despatched him in the doorway. But now that my own position was easier, I saw that such a manoeuvre, first contemplated when only a desperate stroke seemed possible, was full of danger to mademoiselle. I might bungle it, whereupon Montignac would certainly attempt one blow against her, though it were his last. I must, therefore, use the governor to release her from her perilous situation; but first I must use him for another purpose, which the presence of the keen-witted Montignac might defeat. Hence, the secretary was not yet to be made aware of the turn things had taken.

There were three quills on the table. I took up one of them and dipped it in the horn of ink.

”Shall I tell you of what you are thinking, monsieur,” said I, observing on the governor's face a new expression, that of one who listens and makes some mental calculation.

”Amuse yourself as you please, monsieur,” he answered.

”You are thinking, first, that as I am in your chateau, and not alone, I have, doubtless, deprived you of all the soldiers left to guard your chateau; secondly, that at a certain time, a few hours ago, your troops set out for my residence; that they have probably now learned that I am not there; that they have consequently started to return. You are asking yourself what will happen if I am here when they arrive. Will I kill you before I allow myself to be taken? Probably, you say. Men like me value themselves highly, and sell themselves dearly. You would rather that I leave before they come. Then you can send them on my track. Very well; write, monsieur!” And I handed him the pen.

He looked at me with mingled vindictiveness and wonder, as if it were remarkable that I had uttered the thoughts that any one in his position must have had. Mechanically he took the pen.

”What shall I write?” he muttered.

”Write thus: To M. de Brissard, governor of Fleurier. Release M. de Varion immediately. Let him accompany the man who bears this and who brings a horse for him.”

With many baitings, many side glances at Frojac's arquebus and my sword-point, many glum looks and black frowns, he wrote, while I watched from across the table. Then he threw the doc.u.ment towards me.

”Sign and seal,” I said, tossing it back to him.

With intended slovenliness he affixed the signature and seal, then threw the pen to the floor. I took the order, scanned it, and handed him another pen.

”Excellent!” said I. ”And now again!”

He made a momentary show of haughty, indignant refusal, but a movement of my sword quelled the brief revolt in him.

”The bearer of this,” I dictated, ”M. de Varion, is to pa.s.s free in the province, and to cross the border where he will.”

This time he signed and affixed the seal without additional request. He threw the second pen after the first, and looked up at me with a scowl.

”A bold, brave signature, monsieur! There is one pen left!” and I handed him the third quill.

He took it with a look of wrath, after which he gave a sigh of forced patience, and sat ready to write.

”The bearer of this, Ernanton de Launay--”

”Ernanton de Launay?” he repeated, looking up inquiringly.

”Ernanton de Launay, Sieur de la Tournoire,--” I went on.

He stared at me aghast, as if my presumption really pa.s.sed all bounds, but a glint of light on my sword caught his eye, he carried his eye along to the point, which was under his nose, and he wrote:

”--is to pa.s.s free in the province, and from it, with all his company.”

”No, no, no! I will never write that!”

Without an instant's hesitation, I drew back my sword as if to add weight to an intended thrust. He gasped, and then finished the pa.s.s, signed it, and attached the seal.

”Be a.s.sured,” I said, as I took up the last order, ”these will be used before you shall have time to countermand them.” He gritted his teeth at this. ”I thank you heartily, monsieur, and shall ask you to do no more writing. But one favor will I claim,--the loan of a few gold pieces for M. de Varion. Come, monsieur, your purse has ever been well fed!”