Part 27 (1/2)
”And yet, to show the perversity of the s.e.x,” continued Barbemouche, ”that same day I saw another man kiss her, and she gave him back two kisses for his one.”
”Perhaps he was a handsome man,” said the fat fellow, sagely.
”Yes,” replied Barbemouche, ingenuously, ”but no handsomer than I.”
”At that time you were probably handsomer even than you are now,” dryly observed the gaunt man.
”You are right,” said Barbemouche, ”for I was young, and I did not have this scar,” and he thrust back the rim of his hat and laid his hand on his forehead.
”In what fight with the watch did you get that?” inquired Francois.
”I got it as the Duke of Guise got his, fighting the enemies of the church, though not in the same battle. I received mine that St.
Bartholomew's night when we made the streets of Paris flow with heretic blood. A cursed Huguenot gave it me, but I gave him another to match mine, and left him for the crowd to trample over.”
I gave a start, recalling the incident of which I had so recently heard the account, and which seemed the counterpart of this.
At this moment, Marianne appeared at the bend of the road. She carried a huge wooden platter, on which were a bowl of mulled wine, some mugs, and some cheese, bread, and of cold meat. I afterward learned that she had begun to prepare this wine some time before, thinking that I and Blaise and the boys would want it after my return from my search for Pierre. Knowing Blaise's capacity, she had made ready so great a quant.i.ty.
Saying not a word, she set down the platter on the ground before me.
”That is well,” I said. ”Now go back to the inn and step often to the door, so that I can easily summon you again without attracting the attention of the others. And get more wine ready.”
The woman nodded, and went back to the inn.
The four ruffians made an immediate onslaught on the platter. De Berquin and Francois ignored the food, that they might the sooner dip their mugs into the bowl of wine. The other three speedily disposed of all the eatables, and then joined in the drinking. De Berquin, in order to grasp his mug, had let my arm go, but he retained his dagger in his other hand, and each of his followers used but one hand in eating or drinking, holding a weapon in the other.
”Look you, rascals!” said De Berquin to his men, presently. ”Be careful to keep your wits about you!”
”Rascals!” repeated the tall fellow, his pride awakened by his second mug of wine. ”By the bones of my ancestors, it goes against me to be so often called rascal!”
Barbemouche saw an opportunity to retaliate for the fun that had been made of his pretensions to beauty. ”They whom the term fits,” he growled, ”ought not to complain, if I endure it, who am a gentleman!”
Instantly the bearded giant was on his feet, with his huge sword poised in the air.
”Rascal yourself twice over, and no gentleman!” he cried, quivering with n.o.ble wrath.
”What, you lank scarecrow!” said Barbemouche, rising in his turn, and rus.h.i.+ng to meet the other.
Their fat comrade now rose and thrust his sword between the two, for the purpose of striking up their weapons. The fop ran behind a tree, to be safe from the fracas.
At the instant when Francois was about to bring his great sword down on Barbemouche, and the latter was about to puncture him somewhere near the ribs, there came the sound of the Angelus, borne on the breeze from Clochonne. The two antagonists stood as if transformed into statues, their weapons in their respective positions of offence. Each in his way moved his lips in his accustomed prayer until the sound of the distant bell ceased.
”Now, then, for your dirty blood!” roared Barbemouche, instantly resuming animation.
But his fat comrade knocked aside Barbemouche's sword, and at the same time pushed Francois out of striking distance.
”Gentlemen, gentlemen,” cried the fat rascal, reproachfully, ”would you spoil this affair and rob me of my share of the pay? G.o.d knows we are all gentlemen, and rascals, too!”
”Very well,” said Barbemouche, relieved by his brief explosion of wrath, ”this matter can wait.”
”I can wait as well as another man,” said Francois, with dignity, whereupon both men resumed their seats on the turf and their attentions to the wine. The prudent Jacques returned to the circle, and De Berquin, who during the squabble had employed himself entirely in holding me from any attempt at escape, looked relieved.