Part 14 (1/2)
”Everything's all right,” answered Tom. ”We're coming back. Be there soon!”
Hardly a minute later, Tom saw the familiar piers near their own dock.
He had thought they had wandered far, but they had not been two hundred yards distant at any time. A moment later, they reached the foot of the ladder.
Telling Tom to go up, Rawlins half lifted the unconscious man and with a gruff warning to his fellow started to mount the rungs. Evidently the words were heard by the anxious, waiting boys above, for Tom heard Frank's shout of joy and he called back as he drew himself towards the open trap.
But before his head emerged from the water, a crash like thunder sounded in his ears, there was a sound of tramping, hurrying footsteps, shouts and cries and Tom's brain reeled. What was happening? Had the men's confederates learned of their capture? Were their fellows breaking into the laboratory to rescue them? Were the ruffians wreaking vengeance on Frank and Henry?
As the confused sounds, the crash, the tramp of rus.h.i.+ng feet, the excited men's voices and Frank's high-pitched tones came dimly to Tom's ears, a deadly sickening fear swept over him. Had they escaped the men from the submarine only to fall into the clutches of their confederates?
He had been under a tremendous strain, he had been terribly frightened, his heart had been almost bursting with excitement and he had been under water for much longer than ever before. The combination was too much for him. His head swam, he reeled, swayed; fiery sparks and flashes seemed to dance before his eyes; he felt a numbness stealing over him. Wildly he clutched at the ladder in a last despairing effort and seemed sinking, slowly, softly into a vast billowy void.
He opened his eyes and uttered a surprised cry. He was lying on the floor of the laboratory and his father, anxious-eyed, was bending over him while close at hand were Frank, Henry and Rawlins. Beyond and as a confused ma.s.s Tom's eyes saw blue-clad figures and with a start he rose to a sitting posture.
”Gos.h.!.+” he exclaimed, staring about and for the moment not comprehending. ”What's the matter, Dad? What's happened?”
”Are you all right, Tom?” asked Mr. Pauling. ”We got you just in time.
You fainted just as you reached the ladder top. Don't you remember?”
Tom's senses had now fully returned.
”Yes, Dad,” he replied. ”I do now. Did Mr. Rawlins tell you about it?
Gee! We _did_ have a time! Are those men here?”
”Safe and sound, Tom!” Mr. Henderson's voice a.s.sured him. ”That is, one of 'em is. The other's in bad shape.”
”Yes, Rawlins told us something of what happened,” put in his father as Tom rose unsteadily to his feet. ”Look out, Son! You're weak yet. Sit down or you'll go off again.”
Leaning on his father's arm, Tom staggered to the proffered chair and dropped weakly into it. Then he gazed about the room and at the crowd of men within it.
His father and Mr. Henderson, Rawlins, Frank and Henry were there.
Near-by, was a strange, heavy-jawed man and beyond, near the door, were half a dozen policemen. But where were the two divers they had captured under the river? Then Tom saw that a heavily built, tow-headed man stood between two of the blue coats, his hands manacled and a sullen glare in his piglike eyes while, half hidden beyond two stooping men, was a form stretched upon the floor. But before he could form a question his father was giving quick sharp orders to the men.
”Get the Navy Yard!” he commanded, and as the heavy-jawed man jumped to the telephone, he snapped out: ”Tell the commandant that Pauling's speaking.” Then, before the operator had even asked the number, Mr.
Pauling was uttering commands to the police. ”Leave a couple of men here to guard the prisoners and get over to that block quick as you can. Get all available men you can pick up. Draw a cordon around it and don't let any one in or out. Take my car! It's up to you fellows to nab this bunch-if they haven't got wise. On the jump now, Reilly! Take every one and everything that seems suspicious! Get me?”
Even before his last word rang out the policemen were hurrying towards the street, and an instant later, Tom heard the roar of their motor and the clang of their bell as the patrol dashed off.
”Navy Yard on the wire!” announced the man at the phone and Mr. Pauling grabbed the receiver.
”This is Pauling!” he announced shortly. ”That you, Admiral? All right!
Got important matter.”