Part 7 (1/2)

”Fine!” replied Frank, ”come on down, we're just testing it out for the first time. When did you get back?”

”Last evening-but didn't have a chance to run around to see you. I called up, but the maid said you were out with Tom. Didn't she tell you?

I'll be right down, you bet. Say, I've some news for you. So long.”

”I'm glad he's back from that trip with his father and is coming down,”

said Tom, ”Won't he be interested and surprised if this works? Wonder what the news is.”

Then, turning to his set, he continued his interrupted talk, or attempt to talk, with Rawlins until, five minutes later, Henry was pounding at the door.

”Gee, but you've a fine place here!” he cried as he glanced about the little laboratory, ”and you've diving suits and helmets and everything.

Say, I was just crazy to get back when I got your letter telling about your experiments and everything. Where's the diver fellow? Oh say, you're not really talking to him under water! Crickety! Isn't that wonderful to think he can hear you down under the river!”

Tom laughed. ”Don't know if he can,” he replied. ”We'll have to wait for him to come up and tell. You see we haven't got an under-sea sending set rigged up yet and the one he's got is just a sort of makes.h.i.+ft for experimenting.”

”Have you fellows heard anything more of that mystery chap?” cried Henry, suddenly changing the subject.

”Not a word,” Tom a.s.sured him.

”Well, I have then,” declared Henry triumphantly. ”I heard him last night and I got him again to-day just before I called you fellows. He was in the same old place, too.”

”Honest? Say, that _is_ funny!” exclaimed Frank. ”What was he saying?”

”Don't know,” replied Henry, ”He was talking some foreign lingo that I couldn't make out, but I got one word. Bet you couldn't guess what 'twas-another flower-Oleander this time.”

The boys were so interested in Henry's news that they had temporarily forgotten their under-water companion until Henry uttered a half surprised exclamation and jumped away from the square opening in the floor over the river.

”Gosh, there he comes!” he cried, as overcoming his first surprise at a gurgling splash he glanced through the trapdoor and saw the diver's helmet appearing. ”Don't he look like a regular sea monster?”

A moment later, Rawlins was removing his suit and helmet.

”Did you hear us?” cried Tom the moment Rawlins' face was visible.

”Did I!” exclaimed the diver. ”Did I! Let me tell you I wished I had cotton stuffed in my ears. You must think I'm deaf,-yelling like that.

Did you think you had to shout loud enough to have your voice go through the water? And I'll tell you I thought a tornado'd struck the place when your friend here arrived. I even heard the telephone bell.”

Tom and Frank fairly danced with delight. ”Hurrah! It works! It's a success! We've solved it! It's under-sea radio!” shouted the excited boys.

”I'll say it works!” declared Rawlins. ”But what the deuce were you trying to talk Dutch for?”

”Talk Dutch?” cried Tom in a puzzled tone. ”We weren't talking Dutch or anything but United States.”

It was Rawlins' turn to be amazed. ”Well, who in thunder was then?” he asked. ”I heard some one jabbering Dutch or some other foreign language-don't know what 'twas except it wasn't French or Spanish.”

Henry gave a whoop. ”It was that other fellow!” he cried excitedly.

”I'll bet 'twas. He was talking just before I rang up as I told you.

Jehoshaphat! Mr. Rawlins must have heard him under water.”

”I guess that's it,” agreed Tom. ”Funny it didn't occur to me. Of course there's no reason why he shouldn't have been heard under water. We're using a tiny little wave length and so's he, and he's close to here, you know. Did you hear him loudly, Mr. Rawlins?”