Part 11 (1/2)
Embraced in armes to the golden gate.
And holy Iohan Baptyst in desert sat.
And now comyth to my remembrunce.
I am auysed I saw Sodechy: And Amos also with sober countenaunce.
Stondyng wyth her faces towarde Sophony.
Neemy & Esdras bare hem companye.
The holy man Iob as an Impotente.
Then folowed in pycture wyth Thoby pacyent
Thyse wyth many mo on that one syde.
Of that grene herber portrayed were.
A sayd Morpleus a lytyll tyme abyde.
Turn thy face where thy backe was ere.
And beholde well what thou seeste there.
Than I me turned as he me badde.
With herte stedfaste & countenaunce sadde.
Where I sawe Peter wyth his keyes stonde.
Poule wyth a swerde and Iames also.
Wyth a scalop & Thomas holdyng in his honde A spere and Phylyp aproched hym to: Iames the lesse nexte hem in pycture too.
Stode wyth Bartylmew whych was all flayn Symon & Thadee shewed how they were slayn
Mathy and Barnabe drawy{n}g lottys stode Nexte whome was Marke a Lyon hym by.
Hys boke holdyng & Mathew in his mode.
Resembled an aungell wyth wyngys gl{or}yously. Original has Luke had a calfe to holde his boke on hye. gl{or}youly And Iohan wyth a cuppe & palme in his honde. instead of An Egle bare his book thus saw I hem stonde gl{or}yously
Gregory and Ierome Austyn and Ambrose.
Wyth pyllyo{n}s on ther hedes stode lyke doctors Bernard wyth Amselme and as I suppose. Original has Thomas of alquyne and Domynyk co{n}fessours. suppese Benet and Hew relygyous gouernours. instead of Martyn & Iohan with bysshops tweyne. suppose Were there also and Crysostom certayne.
Behynd all thyse was worshypfull Bede.
All behynde and next hym stood Orygene.
Hydynge his face as he of his dede.
Had hem ashamed ye wote what I mene. Original has For of errour he was not al clene. bem instead And on that syde stode laste of alle. of hem The n.o.ble p{ro}phetyssa Sybell men her call.
Let me remembre now I you pray My barayn is so thynne I deme in my herte Some of the felyshyp that I there say.
In all this whyle to haue ouersterte.
A benedicite none coude I aduerte.
To thy{n}ke on Andrew the apostle {with} his crosse.
Whome to forgete were a grete losse.
Many one were peynted on that wall.
Whoos names come not to my remembrau{n}ce.
But thyse I marked in especyall.
And moo coude I tell in countenaunce.