Part 5 (1/2)

That ye in this mat{er} to meward haue ment.

This done Morpleus departed away.

Fro Vertu to the palayse retorny{n}g agayn.

None hym aspyed that I dare well say.

In whych tyme Vertu dyde his besy payn People to reyse his quarell to maynteyn.

Ymagynacyon was his messengere.

He went to warne people both fer & nere.

And bad hem come in all hast they myght For to strength Vertu for wyth out fayll.

He sayd he shold haue long or it were nyght.

Wyth Vyce to do a myghty strong batayl.

Of vngracyo{us} gestes he bryngyth a gret tayll Wherfore it behouyth to help at this nede.

And after this shal Vertu rewar yo{re} mede

Whan ymagynacyon had gone his cyrcuyte To Vertue & frendis thus all about.

Wythin short tyme many men of myght Gadered to Vertu in all that they myght.

They hym comforted & bad hy{m} put no doute.

His vtter enmy Vyce to ouerthrowe.

Thoughe he {with} hy{m} brou{gh}t neuer so gret arow Original has h instead of And whan Vertu se the sustau{n}ce of his oost he He prayed all the comons to the feld hem hye Wyth her pety capteyns both lest and moste And wyth his capteyns shold folow redely.

For he sayd he knew well {that} vyce was ful nye.

And who myght fyrst of {the} feld recouer {the} ce{n}tre Wold kepe out {that} other he shuld not esely e{n}tre

Then sent he forth Baptym to {the} feld before And prayed hym hartely it to ouerse That no maner trayn nor coltrop therin wor{e} Original has To noy nor hurt hym nor his meyne. cotlrop And whan he thyder came he began to se. instead of How Vyce his purseua[u]nt cryme orygynall. coltrop Was entred before and had seased vp all.

But as sone as herof Baptym had a syght.

He fled fast away and left the feld alone.

And anone Baptym entred wyth his myght.

Serchyng al about where this crym{e} had gon{e} But the feld was clene defaut fou{n}d he none.

Then came Vertu after with his gret oste.

And his myghty capteyns both lest and most

But to enfourme you how he thyder came.

And what maner capteins he to {the} feld brou{gh}t Hymselfe sekerly was the fyrst man.

Of all his grete host {that} thyderwarde sought.

Syttyng in a chare {that} rychely was wrought.

Wyth golde and peerles & gemmes precyous.

Crowned with laurer as lord vyctoryous.

Foure doubty knyghtes about {the} chare went.

At euery corner one hit for to gyde.

And conuey accordyng to Vertue his entent.

At the fyrst corner was Ryghtwysnesse {that} tyde.

Prudence at the seconde was set to abyde.

At {the} thryd strength {the} fourth kept temperau{n}ce.

These {the} chare gyded to Vertue his pleasau{n}ce.

Next to {the} chare seuen capyteyns there roode.

Echone aftre other in ordre by and by.

Humylyte was {the} fyrst a lambe he bestroode.