Part 73 (1/2)
”You know I will, Flem. Now let me begin with the very first moment my lover arrived at my chambers.”
Brenna glanced at Meredith's pale face. With calm a.s.surance, she surprised the queen and her Maries by taking Meredith by the hand.
”Please excuse us. Majesty. Meredith must rest or she will make herself ill.”
Though she protested, Meredith allowed herself to be led to the sleeping chamber.
”I will help you change into something comfortable.” Brenna reached for the b.u.t.tons of the scarlet gown.
”Nay.” Meredith stopped her.
”Until the queen gives her permission, I must continue the charade.”
”Aye.” Brenna removed the crown and unpinned Meredith's hair.
”But at least you can be comfortable.”
”I will not sleep. I will merely rest for a few minutes.”
”Rest then,” Brenna whispered, helping her into bed. ”We will be just outside the door in the sitting chamber.”
Meredith's weak smile revealed her exhaustion.
”I am so glad you are here.”
”Then you do not mind that we disobeyed your orders?” ”Nay.” Meredith opened her arms and embraced her sister.
”Rest now. Soon enough we will be home.” Home. Meredith watched as the door closed. It had been such a long time since she had enjoyed the simple pleasures of home.
Her lids fluttered. With a sigh she gave in to the overwhelming feelings that swamped her. Within minutes she was fast asleep.
The sun had made its arc to the western sky. Evening shadows drifted across the grounds of Holyroodhouse. Meredith heard the door to the outer chamber open, and heard, from the sitting chamber, the sounds of her sisters chatting with the queen. The servants had apparently brought an evening meal. From the peals of laughter that could be heard, it was obvious that the queen was still regaling them with tales of her adventure. What a delightful surprise to know that her sisters were here to share this.
At the muted sound of footsteps Meredith sat up, a bright expectant smile on her face.
The man who appeared beside her bed was not Brice. His golden hair and evil, dangerous smile made her heart stop.
”So, my lady. At last I find you.”
As she opened her mouth to scream, he covered her mouth with his hand.
In his other hand was a small, deadly knife.
”If you summon the others, they will die as well, The choice is yours.”
Meredith thought about the two sisters she adored. She would rather die at the hands of this monster than give him the chance to harm Brenna or Megan. She nodded her agreement. When he removed his hand she sucked in several deep breaths and fought to control her terror.
Roughly he threw back the bed covers and dragged her to her feet. The moment the bed linens fell away, he stared in open mouthed surprise.