Part 71 (1/2)

”Could she not have taken refuge in a cottage?”

”We inquired of many Highlanders, Majesty. No one has seen her.”

”But if you have no proof of her death, why do you wish to have her declared dead?”

”Her clan is left without leaders.h.i.+p or protection. Majesty. There are but two helpless maidens left to lead the MacAlpin clan.” Gareth puffed up his chest and stood straighter.

”I would be willing to wed the next eldest, Brenna, and offer the protection of my men.”

”How very gracious of you.” Meredith's tone frosted over.

”If I grant your request, and you wed Brenna MacAlpin, you will claim her land as your own?”

'”Twould be my right. Majesty. But in return I would pledge my armies to the protection of her people.”

”So, if you were to acquire the MacAlpin properties there would be no more lads murdered in the night, my lord MacKenzie? There would be no mysterious visits from this Highland Barbarian, who has been blamed for the deaths of every man, woman, child and sheep in Scot- land?”

At the queen's sarcastic outburst Gareth felt the first tremor of alarm.

”The Highland Barbarian is dead. Majesty. Have you forgotten that I killed him?”

”I have forgotten nothing. This occurred during your attack upon his home, I believe.”

When Gareth nodded she asked innocently,

”With this Brice Campbell dead, why would the MacAlpins need your protection?”

He paused. He had not expected this question.

”There are others who would prowl the darkness in search of those weaker than they. It has always been thus.”

”Others? Are you suggesting that some of the murders along the Border may not have been committed by Brice Campbell?”

He was taken aback by that.

”I--would suppose that is true.”

”Some murders of Borderers may even have been committed by Borderers?”

Where was the queen leading him?

”I do not know. Majesty.”

”Come now, my lord MacKenzie. Have you no idea who might have gone about murdering innocent lads?”

”Nay. I know not.”

”But I know.” She got to her feet and stood facing him, small, elegant, regal. Her voice rang with authority.

”Your queen must care about all the people in her realm. Even an insignificant Border lad who dares not walk about a darkened lane lest he be put upon by those bent upon destruction.”