Part 68 (1/2)
”You will excuse me. Brice,” she added, ”we will talk again on the morrow.”
”As you wish.” Brice bowed over her hand, then signaled for Angus and the others to follow him. At the doorway Mary called,
”Meredith, you will stay awhile. We have business to attend to.”
Meredith kissed her sisters' cheeks, then touched her hand to Brice's.
Instantly she felt the heat and yearned for some time alone with him.
There was so much she needed to tell him. So much she wanted to ask.
She watched as a servant led Brice and the others to a nearby chamber, where their every comfort would be taken care of.
When the door closed, Meredith turned toward the queen, who was issuing orders to her staff.
”For the rest of the morning I shall be indisposed. There will be no exceptions.”
The reality of what lay ahead caused Meredith's stomach to churn.
Surely in the light of day the queen would see the folly of her plan. It was unthinkable that Mary would permit herself to be abducted by a n.o.bleman for the sake of a romantic interlude. She must realize the risk to her reputation if her secret was discovered.
Further, could not the queen see how impossible it was for an imposter to a.s.sume the throne? Even for one day?
Meredith's head swam with questions as she turned to watch the flurry of activity. Several servants were busy laying out a gown of regal scarlet velvet, along with a tiara of diamonds and rubies, and a necklace of ornate gold filigree and matching rubies.
Meredith's mouth rounded in an 0 of appreciation.
”Oh, Majesty, it is breathtakingly beautiful. You will look magnificent.”
The queen smiled indulgently while her friends giggled like children.
”I will not be wearing it,” Mary said without a trace of regret.
”The gown is for you, Meredith.”
”Majesty.” Meredith drew back.
”I could not. It is too fine.”
”But you will be presiding over Court this day. You must look every inch the queen.”
Meredith crossed her arms over her middle, feeling her stomach churn.
”Please, Majesty. I beg you. Forget this foolish dream. You must not do this thing you plan.”
”But I shall.” The queen stood and walked to her, grasping her cold hands and forcing her to meet her steady gaze. ”For so long now I have dreamed of being, not the queen, but an ordinary woman. I want to experience what other women have, Meredith. I want to be loved like a woman. And you are going to make this dream possible.”
”Majesty,” Meredith whispered, forcing the words from a throat that had gone suddenly dry.
”What will become of the people who come to the queen for solace, and find me instead? What of the p.r.o.nouncements I make this day in your name? Are they all to be withdrawn on the morrow?”