Part 61 (1/2)


Brenna, who had wisely remained silent during most of this argument, jumped on Megan's suggestion.

”Aye. We must go together.”

”It is a long and difficult journey,” Meredith said as patiently as she could.

”If something were to happen to me, it would give me comfort to know that my sisters are, here to carry on.”

”But it will give us no comfort to wonder what has happened to you, or even whether or not you succeed. We must ride together.”

Meredith pulled up her hood and took up the reins. If necessary, she would remind them who was in charge here.

”I am the MacAlpin,” she said with quiet authority. ”And I declare that I shall ride alone to Edinburgh to gain an audience with the queen. As my sisters, you shall remain here at MacAlpin Castle and carry on in my absence.”

”Carry on.” Megan sniffed.

”We will wilt on the vine while you have all the excitement of Court.”

”There is danger and intrigue at Court,” Meredith said sternly.

”And I will not have my younger sisters exposed to it. You will do as I command.”

Brenna and Megan stared at her in sullen silence. Never before had they seen Meredith use such overbearing tactics. It was beneath her.

Suddenly she opened her arms and both sisters flew to her. Against their cheeks she murmured,

”Forgive me. I love you both too much to see you harmed. Besides, if I am to arrive in Edinburgh before Gareth MacKenzie and his men I must ride quickly and I must ride alone.”

”If any harm comes to you,” Brenna worried aloud,

”I will never forgive myself for staying behind.”

”If you are killed,” Megan said menacingly,

”I will hate you forever.”

At her outburst, Brenna and Meredith stared at her in stunned silence.

Then they fell into each other's arms in a fit of laughter.

For a moment Megan could only stare at them. Then, joining in the laughter, she hugged her older sisters when they regained their composure.

”G.o.dspeed,” Brenna whispered.

”Hurry home,” Megan said.

Meredith pulled herself into the saddle and spurred her horse into a gallop to hide the tears that spilled from her eyes, staining her cheeks. At the crest of a hill she turned and waved. Below her, the two young women, tears blurring their vision, waved until she disappeared from view. And even then, though they could no longer see her, they stood s.h.i.+vering in the predawn chill, unable to tear themselves away.

”Summon a groomsman,” Megan said suddenly.