Part 59 (1/2)

”I will tell no one.”

Within minutes Brenna had returned with their youngest sister. At ten and four Megan was already as tall as Meredith and still growing.

Her hair the color of ripe wheat and gold-flecked eyes in a small oval face promised a rare beauty when she grew to womanhood.

She pulled her arm free of Brenna's grasp and stamped her foot.

”What is it you cannot tell me?”

”This.” Brenna stood aside and allowed the youngest to peer into her sleeping chamber.

Megan's eyes grew round before filling with tears. In quick strides she was across the room, locked in her sister's embrace.

”Oh, Meredith. We thought you dead.”

”Aye. I have heard the rumors of my death. Though I must confess there were many times when I thought they would be true.”

”Why must you keep your presence here a secret?”

”I am here to unmask Gareth MacKenzie as a liar.”

Megan turned to stare at sixteen-year-old Brenna, who looked stricken.

Seeing her shock and pain Meredith placed an arm about her sister's shoulders.

”What is it, Brenna? What have I said to cause such pain?”

”Gareth has been courting me.” Brenna thought of the uneasy hours she had been forced to spend in the company of Gareth MacKenzie.

”Thankfully I have never been alone with him. Old Mora saw to that,”

Brenna said with a smile. Her smile suddenly faded.

”Gareth has already sought the approval of the clan to wed me when he returns from Edinburgh.”

”He is not here then?”


At her words, Meredith felt a wave of relief. At least for now she was safe.

”He left only yesterday with a large party of MacKenzie men to seek an audience with the queen. He intends to ask Her Majesty to declare you dead.”

”And to declare you the next of kin.” Meredith stroked her sister's hair before asking,

”Do you love Gareth MacKenzie?”

”Love him?” Brenna trembled and Meredith drew her close. Against her cheek the young woman murmured,

”I do not love Gareth. I fear him.