Part 41 (1/2)
Instantly her pulse leaped.
”It is just that I have never before been forced to lie about while others cared for me. Though it may be the dream of many a man, it does not sit well with me.”
She smiled and dropped to her knees beside him.
”I know that, my lord. But I do not think you understand just how close to death you were. We feared each minute would be your last. Now that you have survived, we enjoy taking care of you. We all feared that you would not return to us from that other world that held you in its grip.”
”Had I not returned, would you have grieved, my lady?”
The words were spoken lightly, but Meredith was aware of the way he watched her while she responded to his question.
”Aye. I would have grieved, as would all the others who--care for you.”
Her reply gave a sudden lift to his spirits.
”Help me up, Meredith.”
”You wish to walk to the window?”
”Nay.” He flashed her a smile and she felt her heart stop for a moment.
”I wish to go below stairs and see what causes my men to disturb my rest.”
”You have not attempted the stairs yet, my lord. The effort may sap your strength.”
”It is high time I tried. Give me a hand.”
As Meredith leaned toward him he wrapped his arm about her shoulder and got to his feet. Though she felt the jolt at his touch, she forced herself to behave as though nothing had happened.
”Stand very still for a moment,” she cautioned.
”It is only natural to feel light-headed when you first stand.”
”And I thought it was because of the nearness of you.”
She turned her head and was aware of his wicked smile.
”Be warned, my lord, that if you tease me beyond my limits, I shall be forced to take action.”
”Will you put a potion in my broth?”
She laughed.
”Nay, my lord. I will simply let you go. Without me to lean on, you are as helpless as a baim.”
”You would be so cruel to a man who has returned from death's door?”
She shot him a sideways glance and began to walk slowly toward the doorway, with Brice clinging to her. ”You will only discover the answer to that if you overstep your bounds.”
At the entrance to his chambers he bowed slightly, then caught her arm once more.