Part 20 (1/2)
”My father feared for the safety of the young queen. He wanted her to be surrounded by friends who would remain loyal. Also, he argued that I could get a better education in France than I could here in Scotland.” Brice gave a bitter laugh.
”I did receive a fine education at the French Court. I learned that not all animals stalk the woods.
Some dress in fine clothes and pa.s.s themselves off as aristocrats.
And wait for a chance to attack unknowing prey.”
Meredith heard the venom in his tone and wondered about it. What had happened to him in France to make him so bitter?
For long minutes he stared broodingly into the flames, before pulling himself from his dark thoughts. He set down the goblet on a low table and summoned a servant.
”Accompany the lady to my chambers,” he said.
”And fetch Angus and Holden to stand guard over her until I return.”
Meredith turned, about to protest his latest order. But one glance at the tight set of his mouth convinced her to hold her tongue. Brice Campbell was in no mood to answer to her. Or to anyone.
The aroma of wood smoke mingled with the lingering scent of roasted meat. Two men lounged outside the door of Brice's chambers.
'”Twas truly a banquet fit for the queen,” Holden Mackay said thoughtfully.
”Plovers and partridges by the dozen,” Holden taunted, watching his friend's mouth water.
”Not to mention rabbits, geese, venison. But the plump partridges were my favorite.”
”I wonder if Mistress Snow has any partridge left,” Angus said, stretching out his long legs.
”You cannot be thinking of food after all we ate this day.” Holden grinned. It was common knowledge that Angus Gordon, thin as a rail, was always hungry. The mere mention of food made him salivate.
Besides, the young widow Snow, who worked in the kitchens along with Cara' s mother, was as appetizing a little morsel as the food she prepared. Angus spent an inordinate amount of time in her presence.
”I could eat a bite or two. But Brice wants us here until he returns.”
”Brice will probably be gone until dawn. You saw the look on his face.
When those black moods come upon him, he rides the woods for hours.”
”Aye.” Angus stood and began pacing.
”But I intend to be here when he returns. I have faced his anger before when his orders were disobeyed.”
Holden leaned back on the bench, stretching his hands above his head.
”Mistress Snow makes a fine pudding. And her scones are the envy of every woman in the Highlands.”
”Stop talking about food.” Angus turned and paced the other way.
”If you wish, I will stay here and keep watch.” Holden glanced at the closed doors.