Part 12 (1/2)
”Nature by default is very lazy or super-efficient, call it what you may, so it always tries to do things using the least amount of energy in the shortest possible time period.
”Dreams on the other hand go on for a much longer duration and are a ma.s.sive energy leak. They take on two forms. In most cases you dream of things that happened to you during the day as is. The second form also replays the same information, but in the form of symbols and emotions, so you feel that something new is being revealed but it's the very same thing.
”For example, you run into a person you dislike and later on that night you dream of a snake that symbolizes the dread and dislike all rolled into one.
”Dreams go on for a very long period of time whereas when it comes to intuition it only takes a matter of seconds. So dreams violate nature's law of 'doing things quickly by expending the least amount of energy.'
”Once you stop daydreaming and brooding during the day, you will have no dreams during the night, and when you do get an intuitive flash you'll remember it much more easily. You'll wake up fresh and with lots of energy,” said the chairman.
”Is daydreaming good or bad?” asked one man.
”A daydream is a desire,” said the chairman, ”a desire for a better life. How long does it take for desire to take birth? Nanoseconds? So why do you need to daydream for hours on end?
”Once you have a desire, 'Act'. It's the fastest way to accomplish your desires. Once you focus on accomplis.h.i.+ng the task at hand inspiration flows freely and abundantly, you progress towards your goals with lightning speed and the end result is bliss.
”Instead, what do you do? You daydream. Stop dreaming and Act on your desires. Your inability to act is the single, biggest reason for failure. Take that first step immediately.
”Watching a one hour movie on the big screen is a tiring process,” said the chairman. ”Now imagine how tiring an eight or ten hour movie can be? This is what you do every day - you mindlessly project the past or the future (daydream) and blissfully forget about the present.
”This is how disease and lifelong sickness enter your body because you're bleeding energy all the time.
”With all this happening, awareness goes for a toss. You dream and brood even more of the 'good life' or the lack of it, and the cycle repeats itself for eternities - your dream state continues unabated,” said the chairman.
”Nize explanation,” said a young gun.
”Yeah, it does make a lot of sense,” said a woman. The rest nodded their heads - none more vigorously than the young man awoken from his daydream.
Chapter 4.
Empty Yourself First ”Ok, let's move on,” said the chairman as he gazed around the room. ”Does anyone know the most important instruction one has to keep in mind if one has to move forward in life?” asked the chairman, with a quizzical look on his face.
Everyone stared straight back at him, barely moving a muscle physically or mentally.
”Empty yourself! Empty yourself of your memories, your conditioning. Your inability to let go of the past poisons your body,” the chairman proclaimed.
”Remember how you said 'That would be asking for too much',” as he pointed to our dear daydreamer, now almost fully awake. ”That's what I'm talking about, there's too much memory, too much baggage, too much conditioning that keeps you chained to the same spot.
”Before I go on I would like to add that we're specifically talking about your conditioning, your superst.i.tions, your warped view of the world etc. We're not talking about erasing good memories.”
”Why is memory the culprit?” asked an elderly woman.
”How many of you have seen 'the walking dead'?” asked the chairman.
”What do you mean by 'the walking dead'?” asked a middle aged man.
”Those who have suffered a set-back in the past and are emotionally scarred by it, to the extent that the incident controls them for the rest of their lives and they can't go past it,” said the chairman.
”My aunt suffered a terrible tragedy, she's alive but only physically,” remarked a young girl.
”So how many of you belong to this group called 'the walking dead'?” asked the chairman.
A few hands went up. The Chairman waited some more. A few more hands went up. He waited some more and after a while almost all the hands were up.
”Yes, you there young man, haven't you experienced an emotional setback that tore through your heart like a hurricane?” asked the chairman.
The young man thought for a moment. He had suffered more than a few setbacks that had numbed his senses to the point of no return - frozen like a glacier. At that moment he began to realize the gravity of his situation. He raised his hand slowly.
”Well, that's the story of humanity. All of us are shackled to our past, our memories hold us hostage until awareness sets in and begins to untangle the emotional knots,” said the chairman.
”Just the sheer weight of your memories keeps you rooted to one spot forever,” said the chairman. ”It leads to resistance and resistance leads to failure. 99.9% of your thoughts are just outpourings of your memory (energy) that bubbles up and expresses itself.”
”How do we get out of this self-marinating pickle?” asked an elderly gentleman.
”Good question,” said the chairman. ”Periodic use is the best form of maintenance. Disuse results in death. The more active you are, the healthier your body is. If you were to rest all day in order to preserve your body, you would shrivel up and die.
”It's the same with memory - keep it active and it gets stronger and stronger. Stop using it and its gets weaker and weaker until it is forgotten due to inactivity.
”So you're saying that the key is - to forget bad memories?” said a woman.
”Yes,” replied the chairman. ”And how do we do that?” she asked.
”There is an indirect approach which works pretty well,” said the chairman. ”Your body is a chemical factory and when these chemicals are at optimum levels life is bliss. One example of such a chemical is glucose.
The body is the staircase, the roof is paradise. Once you reach paradise, the staircase is of little use, but to reach paradise, you need all the help the staircase (body) can offer.
”When life is blissful you automatically focus on 'the present and the pleasant' rather than 'the past and the unpleasant'. To be in a state of bliss your body must be in a position to maintain these chemicals at optimum levels day in and day out. The moment there is an imbalance 'the past and the unpleasant' take control of your mind.
”For that you need three things - good food, sound sleep and vigorous exercise. If you screw up in any one area then life will turn ugly. It sounds beguilingly simple but it's not. Many have perished when this simple yet delicate balance has been disturbed.
”Sleep and exercise are for free. If you want to get out of the muck you're wallowing in, then a large part of your budget will be spent on quality food - skip this and all bets are off. You'll be amazed at how much money you'll spend on quality food when you get started.
”For those who say that they have no time for sleep and exercise, the simple answer is - focus on 20% of your tasks (the most important ones) and the rest will eventually take care of themselves.
”It's hard to work on the 20% because you have to use your brain. So people choose to do the remaining 80% which is repet.i.tive and requires almost no cerebral activity.
”Good food, sound sleep and vigorous exercise will set off a chain reaction that will result in bliss, and this bliss will ensure that you remain in the here and now and live a great life, free from the burden of the past, free from your memories that have haunted and imprisoned you for so long.”
”I've always bought cheap, unhealthy, processed food to lower my grocery bills. I never realized my foolishness until now,” said a young man.
”A lot of us know about sleep and exercise but never really cared about food, and never really understood how intimately it's tied to success and well-being,” said another.