Part 8 (1/2)
IV. '(In my ninth expedition and eleventh year) the people of the Philistines, Judah, Edom and the Moabites who dwell by the sea, who owed tribute and presents to a.s.sur my lord, plotted rebellion, men of insolence, who in order to revolt against me carried their bribes for alliance to Pharaoh king of Egypt, a prince who could not save them, and sent him homage. I, Sargon, the established prince, the reverer of the wors.h.i.+p of a.s.sur and Merodach, the protector of the renown of a.s.sur, caused the warriors who belonged to me entirely to pa.s.s the rivers Tigris and Euphrates during full flood, and that same Yavan [of Ashdod], their king, who trusted in his (forces), and did not (reverence) my sovereignty, heard of the progress of my expedition to the land of the Hitt.i.tes [Syria], and the fear of (a.s.sur) my (lord) overwhelmed him, and to the border of Egypt ... he fled away.'
_From a Cylinder of Esar-haddon._
'I a.s.sembled the kings of Syria and the land beyond the [Mediterranean]
sea, Baal king of Tyre, Mana.s.seh king of Judah, Kaus-gabri king of Edom, Mizri[11] king of Moab, Zil-Baal king of Gaza, Metinti king of Ashkelon, Ikausu king of Ekron, Melech-asaph king of Gebal, Matan-Baal king of Arvad, Abi-Baal king, of Shamesh-merom, Pedael king of Beth-Ammon, and Ahimelech king of Ashdod, twelve kings of the sea-coast; Ekistor king of Idalion, Pylagoras king of Khytros, Kissos king of Salamis, Ithuander king of Paphos, Eriesos king of Soloi, Damasos king of Kurion, Rumesu king of Tama.s.sos, Damusi king of Carthage, Unasagusu king of Lidir, and Butsusu king of Nure, ten kings of the land of Cyprus in the middle of the sea.'
[11] That is 'the Egyptian;' cf. 2 Sam. xxiii. 20, 21.
Accadians, invented the cuneiform system of writing, founded the chief cities and civilisation of Babylonia; erected the earliest known monuments; the language may be called the Latin of Asia, 24; the Accadians first used hieroglyphics or pictures painted on papyrus leaves, from which the cuneiform characters were formed; afterwards soft clay was stamped with cuneitic symbols, and then sun-dried; general use of writing and materials employed; characters changed, 93-95; Sarzec's recent discovery at Tel-Loh, 95.
Adar, a solar deity; p.r.o.nunciation of name not quite certain; it forms a part of the name Adrammelech, 66.
Adrammelech, one of the G.o.ds of Sepharvaim brought to Samaria by the colonists settled there; probably representing some particular attribute of the Sun-G.o.d; also the name of one of Sennacherib's regicide sons, 46, 66.
Ahaz, king of Judah, called Jehoahaz in the inscriptions; bribed Pul to attack the Syrians and Israelites; and himself became tributary, 36.
Allat, the G.o.ddess queen of the underworld, 76.
APPENDIX.-Translations from a.s.syrian texts relating to the kingdoms of Israel and Judah:
I. Inscription of Shalmaneser II, found at Kurkh, 146-8.
II. The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser II, 148.
III. From a Fragment of Shalmaneser II, 148.
IV. From the Inscription of Rimmon-nirari III, 148-9.
V. From Fragments of the Annals of Tiglath-Pileser II, 149-151.
VI. From the Inscriptions of Sargon, 151-2.
VII. From a Cylinder of Esar-haddon, 152.
Aramaic, commonly used by the Jews, after the captivity, and became the common language of trade, 132-3.
Ararat or Armenia, long a dangerous neighbour; Tiglath-Pileser II invaded the country, invested Van, and devastated the surrounding country, 35.
Armies composed of charioteers, light and heavy armed cavalry and infantry, and were variously equipped with bows, swords, and daggers, 126.
Armies crossing streams; the common soldiers on inflated skins; the chief officers, chariots, and commissariat in boats, or on pontoon bridges, 131.
a.s.sessment lists of the provinces and large towns after the time of Tiglath-Pileser II; the places and amounts paid to the imperial exchequer, 140-3.