Part 11 (1/2)

c.u.mmings: No-o-o--but looking through you, nasty-like, as if you was on that operating table of his and he was going to cut you up. Nothing a man could rightly complain of, you understand, Mr. Bunter, just nasty looks. Not but what I will say he's very correct. Apologizes if he's been inconsiderate. But what's the good of that when he's been and gone and lost you your nights rest?

Bunter: How does he do that? Keeps you up late, you mean?

c.u.mmings: Not him; far from it. House locked up and household to bed at half past ten. That's his little rule. Not but what I'm glad enough to go as a rule, it's that dreary. Still, when I do go to bed I like to go to sleep.

Bunter: What does he do? Walk about the house?

c.u.mmings: Doesn't he? All night. And in and out of the private door to the hospital.

Bunter: You don't mean to say, Mr. c.u.mmings, a great specialist like Sir Julian Freke does night work at the hospital?

c.u.mmings: No, no; he does his own work--research work, as you may say. Cuts people up. They say he's very clever. Could take you or me to pieces like a clock, Mr. Bunter, and put us together again.

Bunter: Do you sleep in the bas.e.m.e.nt, then, to hear him so plain?

c.u.mmings: No; our bedroom's at the top. But, Lord! what's that? He'll bang the door so you can hear him all over the house.

Bunter: Ah, many's the time I've had to speak to Lord Peter about that. And talking all night. And baths.

c.u.mmings: Baths? You may well say that, Mr. Bunter. Baths? Me and my wife sleep next to the cistern-room. Noise fit to wake the dead. All hours. When d'you think he chose to have a bath, no later than last Monday night, Mr. Bunter?

Bunter: I've known them to do it at two in the morning, Mr. c.u.mmings.c.u.mmings: Have you, now? Well, this was at three. Three o'clock in the morning we was waked up. I give you my word.

Bunter: You don't say so, Mr. c.u.mmings.

c.u.mmings: He cuts up diseases, you see, Mr. Bunter, and then he don't like to go to bed till he's washed the bacilluses off, if you understand me. Very natural, too, I daresay. But what I say is, the middle of the night's no time for a gentleman to be occupying his mind with diseases.

Bunter: These great men have their own way of doing things.

c.u.mmings: Well, all I can say is, it isn't my way.

(I could believe that, your lords.h.i.+p. c.u.mmings has no signs of greatness about him, and his trousers are not what I would wish to see in a man of his profession.) Bunter: Is he habitually as late as that, Mr. c.u.mmings?

c.u.mmings: Well, no, Mr. Bunter, I will say, not as a general rule. He apologized, too, in the morning, and said he would have the cistern seen to--and very necessary, in my opinion, for the air gets into the pipes, and the groaning and screeching as goes on is something awful. Just like Niagara, if you follow me, Mr.

Bunter, I give you my word.

Bunter: Well, that's as it should be, Mr. c.u.mmings. One can put up with a great deal from a gentleman that has the manners to apologize. And, of course, sometimes they can't help themselves. A visitor will come in unexpectedly and keep them late, perhaps.

c.u.mmings: That's true enough, Mr. Bunter. Now I come to think of it, there was a gentleman come in on Monday evening. Not that he came late, but he stayed about an hour, and may have put Sir Julian behindhand.

Bunter: Very likely. Let me give you some more port, Mr. c.u.mmings. Or a little of Lord Peter's old brandy.

c.u.mmings: A little of the brandy, thank you, Mr. Bunter. I suppose you have the run of the cellar here. (He winked at me.)”Trust me for that,” I said, and I fetched him the Napoleon. I a.s.sure your lords.h.i.+p it went to my heart to pour it out for a man like that. However, seeing we had got on the right tack, I felt it wouldn't be wasted.

”I'm sure I wish it was always gentlemen that come here at night,” I said. (Your lords.h.i.+p will excuse me, I am sure, making such a suggestion.) (”Good G.o.d,” said Lord Peter, ”I wish Bunter was less thorough in his methods.” ) c.u.mmings: Oh, he's that sort, his lords.h.i.+p, is he? (He chuckled and poked me. I suppress a portion of his conversation here, which could not fail to be as offensive to your lords.h.i.+p as it was to myself. He went on:) No, it's none of that with Sir Julian. Very few visitors at night, and always gentlemen. And going early as a rule, like the one I mentioned.

Bunter: Just as well. There's nothing I find more wearisome, Mr. c.u.mmings, than sitting up to see visitors out.

c.u.mmings: Oh, I didn't see this one out. Sir Julian let him out himself at ten o'clock or thereabouts. I heard the gentleman shout ”Good-night” and off he goes.

Bunter: Does Sir Julian always do that?

c.u.mmings: Well, that depends. If he sees visitors downstairs, he lets them out himself; if he sees them upstairs in the library, he rings for me.

Bunter: This was a downstairs visitor, then?

c.u.mmings: Oh, yes. Sir Julian opened the door to him, I remember. He happened to be working in the hall. Though now I come to think of it, they went up to the library afterwards. That's funny. I know they did, because I happened to go up to the hall with coals, and I heard them upstairs. Besides, Sir Julian rang for me in the library a few minutes later. Still, anyway, we heard him go at ten, or it may have been a bit before. He hadn't only stayed about three-quarters of an hour. However, as I was saying, there was Sir Julian banging in and out of the private door all night, and a bath at three in the morning, and up again for breakfast at eight--it beats me. If I had all his money, curse me if I'd go poking about with dead men in the middle of the night. If it was a nice live girl, now, Mr.Bunter-- I need not repeat any more of his conversation, as it became unpleasant and incoherent, and I could not bring him back to the events of Monday night. I was unable to get rid of him till three. He cried on my neck, and said I was the bird, and you were the governor for him. He said that Sir Julian would be greatly annoyed with him for coming home so late, but Sunday night was his night out and if anything was said about it he would give notice. I think he will be ill-advised to do so, as I feel he is not a man I could conscientiously recommend if I were in Sir Julian Freke's place. I noticed that his boot-heels were slightly worn down.

I should wish to add, as a tribute to the great merits of your lords.h.i.+p's cellar, that, although I was obliged to drink a somewhat large quant.i.ty both of the c.o.c.kburn '68 and the 1800 Napoleon I feel no headache or other ill effects this morning.

Trusting that your lords.h.i.+p is deriving real benefit from the country air, and that the little information I have been able to obtain will prove satisfactory, I remain, With respectful duty to all the family, their ladys.h.i.+ps, Obediently yours, MERVYN BUNTER.

”Y'know,” said Lord Peter thoughtfully to himself, ”I sometimes think Mervyn Bunter's pullin' my leg. What is it, Soames?”

”A telegram, my lord.”

”Parker,” said Lord Peter, opening it. It said: ”Description recognized Chelsea Workhouse. Unknown vagrant injured street accident Wednesday week. Died workhouse Monday. Delivered St. Luke's same evening by order Freke. Much puzzled. Parker.”

”Hurray!” said Lord Peter, suddenly sparkling. ”I'm glad I've puzzled Parker.

Gives me confidence in myself. Makes me feel like Sherlock Holmes. 'Perfectly simple, Watson.' Dash it all, though! this is a beastly business. Still, it's puzzledParker.”

”What's the matter?” asked the Duke, getting up and yawning.

”Marching orders,” said Peter, ”back to town. Many thanks for your hospitality, old bird--I'm feelin' no end better. Ready to tackle Professor Moriarty or Leon Kestrel or any of 'em.”

”I do wish you'd keep out of the police courts,” grumbled the Duke. ”It makes it so dashed awkward for me, havin' a brother makin' himself conspicuous.”

”Sorry, Gerald,” said the other, ”I know I'm a beastly blot on the 'scutcheon.”

”Why can't you marry and settle down and live quietly, doin' something useful?”

said the Duke unappeased.

”Because that was a wash-out as you perfectly well know,” said Peter; ”besides,”

he added cheerfully, ”I'm bein' no end useful. You may come to want me yourself, you never know. When anybody comes blackmailin' you, Gerald, or your first deserted wife turns up unexpectedly from the West Indies, you'll realize the pull of havin' a private detective in the family. 'Delicate private business arranged with tact and discretion. Investigations undertaken. Divorce evidence a specialty.

Every guarantee!' Come, now.”

”a.s.s!” said Lord Denver, throwing the newspaper violently into his armchair.

”When do you want the car?”

”Almost at once. I say, Jerry, I'm taking Mother up with me.”

”Why should she be mixed up in it?”

”Well, I want her help.”