Part 32 (1/2)

The Banished Wilhelm Hauff 85520K 2022-07-22

”That is a Prince, indeed!” he said to the other commanders who stood beside him. ”What a powerful voice he has; and when he rolls his eyes about it makes one quake for fear! I thought he would have swallowed me, head and all, when he asked me who I was.”

”I felt much in the same state as if hot water had been poured over me,” said the Magdeburger. ”This man is more to be dreaded than the Emperor in Vienna.”

”Our reign has been but a short one,” said Captain Muckerle; ”our dignity has not lasted long.”

”Fool! so much the better. Dignity only brings cares, says the proverb; our people don't submit readily to our orders--_diavolo!_--for one of them laughed at me in my face only this day. Things will go much better when the knights lead us: and we shall receive a gold florin and four measures of wine; that's our business.” So said Peter.

”I think so too,” said the Magdeburger; ”and we have to thank Long Peter for our good fortune. Long may he live!”

”Thank you,” said the general; ”but I tell you, the Duke will set the League in flames again, _morbleu!_ and when he draws his sword, he alone will hunt them out of the country. And did you hear how he cursed his council, chancellor, and n.o.bles? I would not like to be in their skins.”

The conversation of the veterans was now interrupted by the rolling of the drums, which no longer sounded at their command. Long Peter had been so often accustomed, during his many campaigns, to the vicissitudes of fortune, by being raised and lowered suddenly in rank, that he was not disconcerted by his present loss of command. He very quietly deprived his large hat of its ornamental c.o.c.k's feather; he laid aside his red scarf and long sword, the emblems of his dignity, and shouldered his halberd. ”May my soul be punished, but mine is a hard case, who but yesterday was in supreme command, and am now obliged to go back into the ranks,” said he, as he took his place among his comrades. ”But by Saint Peter, my holy patron and brother lansquenet, every thing is for the best in this world.” His companions shook him by the hand, and agreed with him in his sentiments. It did his brave heart good to hear them approve of his conduct, the short time he had wielded the command over them. The three knights, their newly appointed leaders, mounted and put themselves at the head of their brigades; the lansquenets arranged themselves in the common order of march, and, Ludwig von Gemmingen ordering the drums to beat the advance, the little army broke up their camp, and set forward.


The summit of the wall is gain'd All in the silent night, And now the fortress is attain'd!

We do not fear the light.

Now, let us sound the battle cry, And be it ”Death or victory!”


Duke Ulerich appeared before the gate of Stuttgardt, called the Red Hill Gate, on the night previous to the holiday of the a.s.sumption of the Virgin Mary. Having captured the little town of Leonberg on his way, he prosecuted his march on the capital without further interruption. The news of his being in the country spread through the land like wild-fire, and judging by the numbers that joined his colours, as well as by the joy with which he was everywhere received, he had reason to suppose the people would rejoice to see their legitimate Prince re-established in his rights, and the hateful government of the League abolished.

The intelligence of his advance had reached Stuttgardt, and had caused much difference of feeling amongst its inhabitants. The n.o.bility scarcely knew what they had to expect from the Duke; the shameful surrender of Tubingen being an event of too recent a date to leave them wholly without fear of his wrath. But the recollection of the brilliant court of Ulerich von Wurtemberg and the merry days they had formerly pa.s.sed under his sway, compared to the oppressions the League had inflicted on them, led them to incline to submission. Not a few, however, among them had reason to dread his return. The citizens could scarcely restrain their joy; and, quitting their houses, a.s.sembled in groups about the streets, talking over coming events. They cursed the League in strong terms, but silently, clenching their fists in their pockets, and were beyond measure patriotically inclined, and full of pugnacious propensities. Calling to mind the ill.u.s.trious ancestors of their exiled Prince, whose name of Wurtemberg they themselves bore; they reckoned up the many n.o.ble lords sprung from the same family, under whom they and their fathers had lived happily, and whose glorious deeds had spread their country's fame abroad. But the most important topic of their conversation was, that upon them depended, in a great measure, the decision of the struggle between the League and the Duke, as the whole country would now look upon the Stuttgardters as the fuglemen in the contest. They were, however, no way inclined of themselves to create an insurrection against the garrison of the League, whom they still feared, but they whispered to each other: ”Brother, wait a little, and we'll soon have an opportunity to show those Leaguists what we Stuttgardters are made of.”

The insurrectionary spirit of the burghers did not escape the notice of Christoph Schwarzenberg, the Leaguist governor. He perceived, but too late, the mistake that had been committed in disbanding the army. He applied to the representatives of his party a.s.sembled at Nordlingen for a.s.sistance, but gave them no hope of holding Stuttgardt unless they sent immediate relief. Scarcely had he time to make some feeble preparations for defence, when the rapid advance of the Duke checked his ardour. Perceiving he could not trust the citizens, that the n.o.bles would not stand by him, and aware that the garrison was not strong enough even to ensure the safety of the gates of the city, he absconded in the night with the state council to Esslingen. Their flight was so sudden and secret, that their families even were ignorant of it, and no one in the town suspected the intentions of the governor and his senate. The partisans of the League, therefore, never dreaming of the desertion of their chiefs, treated the news of the approach of the Duke with indifference, for they did not believe the report of his being in the immediate neighbourhood.

The market-place in those days stood in the heart of the city. But even then two considerable suburbs, the Saint Leonhard and the field of tournament, were built around the town, provided with outer ditches, walls, and strong gates, which gave them also the appearance of fortified cities. They were separated from the old town which possessed its own walls and gates, and its inhabitants looked down with contempt on those of the suburbs. The market-place was the spot where the burghers were accustomed to a.s.semble, according to the fas.h.i.+on of olden times when any extraordinary occurrence took place; and therefore, on the eventful evening before the day of the a.s.sumption of the Virgin, the citizens streamed in crowds to this central point. Though every man in those days carried arms with impunity, which gave to an a.s.sembled mult.i.tude a fearful appearance, still the honest burghers of Stuttgardt would not have dared to utter, in the day-time, what they now ventured to do in the dusk. Had many of them been asked their opinion of the Duke in the forenoon, they would have answered, ”What do I care about him? I am a peaceable citizen:” but upon this occasion, they raised their voices, I and cried, ”We'll open the gates to the Duke! away with the Leaguists! Wurtemberg for ever!”

The moon shone bright on the a.s.sembled crowd, which waved to and fro in restless motion, whilst a confused murmur seemed to indicate indecision as to what was to be done, perhaps because no one was bold enough to put himself forward on the occasion. Many heads looked out of the windows of the gable-ended houses which surrounded the market-place; they were the wives and families of the congregated citizens, listening with intense anxiety to what was going on: for it must be observed that the Stuttgardt ladies were in those days equally given to curiosity as they now are, and in their hearts pitied the Duke.

The hum of voices became louder and louder, whilst the feeling which ran through the crowd became more distinct. The cry ”let's drive; the soldiers from the gates, and open them to the Duke,” pa.s.sed from mouth to mouth, when a tall, meagre-looking man was seen to spring up on a stone bank which surrounded the fountain, whence he overlooked the a.s.semblage of burghers. He flourished his long arms about in the air, opened his large mouth, and hallooed with all his might to obtain a hearing. The noise about him having partially subsided, a few detached words and sentences were heard by the immediate bystanders. ”What! do the honourable burghers of Stuttgardt intend to break the oath which they have sworn to the League? To whom do you want to open the gates--to the Duke? He can't have a very strong force with him, for he has no money to pay them, and he will make you open your purses. If you surrender to him, you will have ten thousand florins to pay. Do you hear? ten thousand florins, I say!”

”Who is that lanky fellow?” the citizens asked one another. ”He's right,” said one of them, ”we shall have to pay handsomely.”--”Is he a citizen, that man up there?”--”Who are you?” said one of the boldest; ”how do you know we shall have to pay?”

”I am the renowned Doctor Calmus,” said the speaker, with solemn voice, ”and am quite sure of it. And who do you want to drive away? The Emperor, the Empire, the League? Will you run your heads against so many rich lords? and why? for Duke Utz, who only throws dust in your eyes! Do you forget his oppressive game laws, the least part of his tyranny? He has no more money left; he is a beggar, and has squandered everything in Mompelgard----”

”Make him keep silence!” cried the burghers: ”What is that to you? you are not one of our citizens; away with the bald-headed mouse,--kill him,--throw him into the fountain to feed the fis.h.!.+--Long live the Duke!”

Doctor Calmus raised his voice again, but was overpowered by the loud shouts of the bystanders.

At this moment another troop of burghers arrived in great haste from the suburbs. ”The Duke is before the Red Hill gate,” they cried, ”with cavalry and infantry. Where is the governor and his council? He will fire into the town if the gates be not instantly opened! Away with the Leaguists!--Who is a good Wurtemberger?”

The tumult increased. Perceiving the crowd still undecided, another speaker mounted the bank: he was a comely-looking man, who, for a moment, imposed on the crowd by his outward appearance. ”Consider, honourable men,” he cried: ”what will the ill.u.s.trious council of the League say if you----”

”Out with the ill.u.s.trious council!” they answered, ”away with him, tear him down, him with the rose-coloured cloak and smooth hair, he is an Ulmer--at him, he is an Ulmer!”

But before they could put their threats into execution, a powerful man stept up between the two orators, knocked the Doctor over with his right hand, and the Ulmer with his left, waving his cap in the air to obtain a hearing. ”Silence! that is Hartman,” whispered the burghers, ”he understands the world; listen to what he says!”