Chapter 809: Moving the Universes Lives (2/2)
”Are you really that dumb? We have less than a year! Even one of those Universe Powerhouses wouldn't be able to conquer another Universe in a year, let alone us. Just to prepare for the battle alone would take longer than that!”
Sure enough, there were many arguments regarding this idea. But in the end, Arminia's group was the power controlling Lokrathos Universe. The others had to follow their orders even if they didn't want to. Otherwise, they were more than welcome to take all their own forces and leave Lokrathos on their own. Obviously, such a choice would be even worse since they would have no place to establish themselves.
Meanwhile, Krune had spent his time forging Peak Divinity Stars Spatial Boxes nonstop. He even included a little bit of Godly Path Realm materials into the mix, making them several times bigger and resistant compared to any other Mortal Realm Spatial Box.
The reason he made Spatial Boxes was that they could hold much bigger dimensions inside as well. Krune wasn't planning to move only the living beings. No, he was planning to move all the planets as well! Feifei, Heavin, and Luvile helped as much as they could with this. By the time Arminia had convinced everyone to move out, Krune's group had already crafted over a million of those things. Of course, that was thanks to a Time Decelerating Formation that Feifei set down. While two months passed outside, over 20 years passed inside Feifei's formation.
Well, for cultivators like them who were already hundreds of years old, twenty years didn't seem like much anymore. Let alone Luvile and Soren, who have already lived for who knows how many chaos cycles. In their case, twenty years might as well be considered the blink of an eye.
Each one of those Spatial Boxes had a Dimensional Realm capable of holding an entire Solar System, maybe even two if they weren't too big.
”We made a lot of them, but would it be enough to hold everyone?”
Krune smiled before nodding.
”I know what you mean. A Universe can easily have between billions to trillions of galaxies, let alone Solar Systems. However, we aren't moving entire galaxies to start with. We are only moving the planets with living beings and putting a single sun to provide them with energy. Of course, it's a lot more complicated than that, but that's the general concept.”
”Don't forget, more than 99.99% of a Universe is completely void of life. In general, only one in a million suns have planets around it. Let's not even talk about suns with planets that have life on them. Dalin is just an exception because of its traits. Way too many people and beasts moved into there for cultivating and things like that. They even moved their own planets and stabilized them there.”
”Basically, we don't need to care about the majority of the Universe at all. We made a little more than a million Spatial Boxes, which we will use to store a single sun and many planets around its orbit. Obviously, only planets that have life will be put in the orbit of each of those suns. As for things like what's the best distance for each planet to be from the sun, that's something the Lokrathos Universe forces will have to care about, not us. We will be only moving and giving them the tools necessary for that.”
”In any case, we have more than enough space to move everyone out. As for the rest, it's said that it will all be destroyed. Of course, I'm sure that due to the Universe's size, many will be forgotten. But we can't do anything about that. Some planets where life just began to appear will not even be considered to start with. Nevertheless, it's a lot better than risk losing all Four Realms.”
Feifei couldn't help but sigh.
”We are always traveling from one power to another, always surrounded by people and beasts. However, only in a moment like this do you really understand how cold a Universe really is.”
Krune nodded as he said.
”We did what we could.”
In the third month, hundreds of millions of Divine Path Realm and above cultivators were given a Spatial Box. Of course, there were only a million and something boxes. The reason many more cultivators and demon beasts gathered was that each group would have enough strength to deal with most of the situations. That also helped prevent wrongdoings due to the number of spectators.
Sure enough, everyone followed Arminia's orders and began to move suitable suns before putting the planets with life into them. As for the details, it would all be decided by the Lokrathos Universe's people and beasts.
This situation continued for eight months when finally, Arminia received the report that at least 99% of the Lokrathos Universe's lives were moved into the Spatial Boxes.