446 Ewan (2/2)

Is that a Wisp? Suiyan 33260K 2022-07-22

Ula nodded vigorously but then shook her head.

”It is, and at the same time, it is not. Now that I'm close to you, I finally understood why, though. It is because the smell is mixed with your own body scent.”

Ula looked at the position where Lia's core should be and then asked.

”Do you perhaps have something inside your Divine Soul? Like... something that looks like a fragment?”

Let alone Lia and Trata, even Ao Sulian, was shocked by that question.

”Ula, you can't possibly be saying...”

Ula looked at Ao and nodded.

”That's the only thing I could think of. Your friend, Krune, always had a specific scent that I could only feel on Feifei.”

”In Krune's case, his body smell only got mixed with the other when he was in his human form. After all, Krune didn't have a scent in his Wisp Form. During the times Krune was in his original form, only this particular smell remained.”

”Feifei was pretty much like Lia, though. She also had a similar smell to Krune's, but her body scent was also mixed with it. Feifei and I had very little interaction, so I didn't have much of a chance to talk to her. However, other than the two of them, I have never felt this smell before. Well, not until a few days ago back in the Earkei Planet.”

Trata was surprised to hear that.

”We indeed passed by the Earkei Planet on our way here. Just like you, we are also traveling around.”

Lia was more preoccupied with the Fragment part, though.

”So, this smell is something left by this fragment that you talked about?”

Ula pondered a bit and said.

”Well, as I said, it is just a conjecture. Perhaps there are more people and beasts out there with this specific smell too. If you say that you don't have this Fragment I told you about, then you can forget I said anything.”

Lia looked deeply at Ula. Although they had just met each other, it didn't feel like Ula was lying. Besides, she does indeed have a fragment inside her Divine Soul but had only told Trata about it. Trata would definitely not spread this information around, so it served as proof that Ula was probably not lying.

”Indeed, I do have something that looks like a Fragment in my Divine Soul. Would you mind telling me what it is? So far, I have not met anyone with similar characteristics.”

Ula and Ao were really shocked to hear. That was a blind shoot. After all, there is supposed to be only 9 Heavenly Fragments in the entire Universe!

Looking at Ao and Ula's expressions, it was evident that the Heavenly Fragment inside her Divine Soul wasn't anything simple. But just as she was about to ask more.


Ula showed a startled expression. Right after, she took out a small box, or to be more specific, a pocket dimension spatial box. In the next second, a little guy who seemed to be a mix of wolf and human came out. He had a human form but with cute wolf ears with snow-white fur on them. The white fur contrasted with his white hair too. It was also easy to notice his 4 canine teeth, two up, and two down. Not to mention the catchy White and Furry wolf tail on the back.

His name was Ewan Sulian, the child of Ao and Ula that was born during their travels. Obviously, a hybrid of Moon Wolf and Human. It turns out that Ao and Ula were a lot later than Krune and Feifei or Tiane and Ruik. Their kid was only a few months old now and was still breastfeeding. As one can imagine, Ewan also has the Elemental Meridians instead of the normal ones. Not to mention that he, too, was born in the 9th Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm.

Ula and Ao reached the same idea as Krune's group. They bought a pocket dimension spatial box where they could keep Ewan while he was sleeping or if there was any danger.

”Sorry, he is just hungry. But we can continue to talk while I feed him.”

Lia looked at the child, feeding on Ula's milk and nodded.

”Very well. Can you tell me more about this Fragment that I have in my Divine Soul?”

Ao and Ua looked at each other and then nodded at Lia too.

”It goes like this...”