386 Cant Touch Them (2/2)

Is that a Wisp? Suiyan 36770K 2022-07-22

Ivaran came from quite a prominent Sect, so he knew a few things about the Wisps in the Dalin Universe. His father made sure to warn him about it before he entered Dalin too. Still, it was evident that his contractors didn't know anything about the wisps situation, so he started to explain everything that he knew.

Another one of the Void Breaking Realm cultivators, a guy called Elmer Erzumin, couldn't help but ask.

”I also know about this, but how exactly did they get into the Wisp main World? As far as I know, you need permission to live there if you are not a wisp.”

Hobbek and Rania looked at each other and nodded.

”I don't want to believe it, but it seems like the Palace Master was right.”

The group looked at Rania and hobbek, puzzled.

Rania noticed that and then explained.

”Before we entered the Dalin Universe, the Palace Master of the Extreme Yin Yang Palace gave us a piece of information. Although the chances were minimal, they thought that a Wisp called Krune might have the Elemental Heavenly Fragment. They also confirmed that they couldn't find this Wisp anywhere before we came to Dalin, so he might have come together with Feifei. The Divine Path Sect and Wang Clan are allies, so it wasn't totally impossible that such a thing happened.”

Hobbek agreed with Rania.

”That changes our first conjectures. If there are two Heavenly Fragments in the Wisp Main World, it probably means that this Krune is involved. If this is really the case, then there is no way that Uer or Wamie Zark are there. That is not all, it would also confirm that the one who lost the Heavenly Fragment wasn't Feifei, but Wamie Zark or Uer instead. Of course, we will need to investigate to find out the truth.”

Hobbek and Rania understood that going to the Wisp Main World is useless. So they decided to not move for now and let the rest of the group investigate the Wisp Worlds for information.

”Still, it is not totally a bad thing. It means that a Wisp has received the Heavenly Fragment. That will make things easier to deal with. I don't know how they defeated one of the Heavenly Fragment's Owner, but the same will not happen to us.”

Everyone nodded. None of those present thought much about Wisps since they rarely see one at the Divine Soul Realm, let alone above it.

Soon, only one Void Breaking Realm cultivator stayed with Hobbek and Rania. At the same time, the rest of the group left for the Wisps Solar System.

Krune and Feifei, of course, noticed when Rania and Hobbek stopped in a nearby Solar System as well.

”As I thought, they wouldn't simply charge directly inside. They will probably send some of their companions to search for us first. Especially considering that we are in the Wisp Main World at the moment.”

Krune started to ponder about what to do. He feels like if he stays put, things might escalate, and his group entering Dalin illegally might be found out.


Krune then opened his communicator and made a call.

”Have all the wisps which are working on the management of the other Wisp Worlds pay attention if anyone is looking for someone who looks like Feifei or me. Once you find one of them, let me know.”

The Wisp on the other side immediately accepted the order. Cinty had long since introduced Krune as a probable next Wisp King. Not to mention that very few knew about her cultivation improvement, so the other wisps also treated Krune just like her.

Feifei couldn't help but ask.

”What you intend to do?”

Krune gave Feifei a kiss and smiled playfully.

”Being on the passive side is not exactly how I want to spend my time.”