Volume 3 Part 9 (1/2)
Among the flowers and fruits charged with messages for the future, the following is a list of the most important, arranged from approved sources, in alphabetical order:--
Asparagus, gathered and tied up in bundles, is an omen of tears. If you see it growing in your dreams, it is a sign of good fortune.
Aloes, without a flower, betoken long life: in flower, betoken a legacy.
Artichokes. This vegetable is a sign that you will receive, in a short time, a favour from the hands of those from whom you would least expect it.
Agrimony. This herb denotes that there will be sickness in your house.
Anemone, predicts love.
Auriculas, in beds, denote luck; in pots, marriage: while to gather them, foretells widowhood.
Bilberries, predict a pleasant excursion.
Broom-flowers, an increase of family.
Cauliflowers, predict that all your friends will slight you, or that you will fall into poverty and find no one to pity you.
Dock-leaves, a present from the country.
Daffodils. Any maiden who dreams of daffodils is warned by her good angel to avoid going into a wood with her lover, or into any dark or retired place where she might not be able to make people hear her if she cried out. Alas! for her if she pay no attention to the warning!
She shall be rifled of the precious flower of chast.i.ty, and shall never again have right to wear the garland of virginity.
”Never again shall she put garland on; Instead of it, she'll wear sad cypress now, And bitter elder broken from the bough.”
Figs, if green, betoken embarra.s.sment; if dried, money to the poor and mirth to the rich.
Heart's-ease, betokens heart's pain.
Lilies, predict joy; water-lilies, danger from the sea.
Lemons, betoken a separation.
Pomegranates, predict happy wedlock to those who are single, and reconciliation to those who are married and have disagreed.
Quinces, prognosticate pleasant company.
Roses, denote happy love, not unmixed with sorrow from other sources.
Sorrel, To dream of this herb is a sign that you will shortly have occasion to exert all your prudence to overcome some great calamity.
Sunflowers, show that your pride will be deeply wounded.
Violets, predict evil to the single and joy to the married.
Yellow-flowers of any kind predict jealousy.
Yew-berries, predict loss of character to both s.e.xes.
It should be observed that the rules for the interpretation of dreams are far from being universal. The cheeks of the peasant girl of England glow with pleasure in the morning after she has dreamed of a rose, while the paysanne of Normandy dreads disappointment and vexation for the very same reason. The Switzer who dreams of an oaktree does not share in the Englishman's joy; for he imagines that the vision was a warning to him that, from some trifling cause, an overwhelming calamity will burst over him. Thus do the ignorant and the credulous torment themselves; thus do they spread their nets to catch vexation, and pa.s.s their lives between hopes which are of no value and fears which are a positive evil.