Part 30 (1/2)

This placed them in a rather awkward position. They did not feel like asking so distinguished a gentleman as the editor of the paper to pilot them. Several conferences were held on the subject; but the stubborn fact still stared them in the face, that the editor was the only man in the village who could do the work and if they proceeded to the next town without a licensed pilot they would have to pay a fifty dollar fine. At last in a fit of desperation, Paul said he would call on the editor and see what kind of a man he was, anyway, and if he proved to be all right, he might be induced to join them as a guest, which would be a more polite way to put it. They were willing to give twenty-five or thirty dollars; but they felt a delicacy in making such a proposition to an editor.

At any rate, Paul called at the office. After climbing a crazy flight of stairs on the outside of a little rheumatic looking frame building, he found the editor seated on a stool at a case of type, setting up some matter for his next week's issue. Boyton introduced himself.

”Well, I'll be doggoned, Paul,” exclaimed the editor, jumping from the stool, ”I'm almighty glad to see you,” enthusiastically shaking his hand, ”where in thunder are you swimming to now?”

”Oh, I'm just going up the river on a pleasure trip, with a friend of mine, on a little steamer.”

”Is that so. Well, I'm glad to meet you any way. I'll make a note about it next week.”

”Yes, we are having a little pleasure excursion; hunting, fis.h.i.+ng, and all that sort of thing and we thought you might enjoy a trip with us a little way.”

A cunning gleam shot through the editor's eagle eye, as he replied:

”Um, I guess you want me to pilot you up, don't you?”

”Well, yes. If you want to put it that way. You might a.s.sist our regular pilot if you felt so disposed. I can a.s.sure you a good time. Plenty of everything on board.”

”I'll be doggoned if I wouldn't like to go up, Paul; but don't see how I can do it. In fact it's impossible. You see I couldn't get out my paper next week. Have to disappoint all my subscribers and you know that would hardly be right.”

”We would have a good time,” persisted Boyton, ”you could take a little vacation, you know, and you might get some one to put out the paper for you.”

”Couldn't do it. There aint a man between here and Chicago that could get out this paper. No sir. If I went, I'd have to disappoint all my subscrib--”

”Well, what will you take to pilot us up?” interrupted Paul in desperation, willing to offer fifty dollars if there was a chance.

”You see I would have to disappoint all my subscribers and then the advertisers would kick and want to knock off on their bills. Taking all those things into consideration, I don't see how I could go up for less than three dollars.”

Of course he was taken along and luxuriously entertained as well as paid the three dollars. The week following the editor's return, his paper contained an item to the effect that ”owing to illness in his family, the editor was compelled to disappoint his subscribers last week.”

At St. Paul, Boyton began preparations for the longest voyage he had yet undertaken--down the Yellowstone and Missouri.


There being many dangers to encounter on his contemplated voyage down the Yellowstone and Missouri, every precaution was taken that might possibly lessen them. General Terry kindly sent information to all the military posts and Indian agents along the rivers of Boyton's voyage and requested them to tell the Indians so that they would not shoot him in mistake for some strange water animal.

On the 15th of September, 1881, Boyton arrived at the terminus of the railroad at Glendive, Montana, then a little town made up of rough board houses and tents, which was the highest point on the Yellowstone he could reach. He went to a hotel and asked if he could be accommodated with a room. ”I reckon you can,” said the landlord, ”there's only sixty in there now.”

He was not compelled to occupy that general sleeping room, however, as the superintendent of a construction train provided a place for him in one of the cars. He remained two days in Glendive, completing preparations for his journey. Besides his usual equipments in the Baby Mine, he added an ax, a double barreled gun which could be taken apart and made to occupy a very small s.p.a.ce. This was a necessary weapon, as he knew he would have to depend largely on his own exertions for provisions through a greater part of the country he was to traverse.

These with signal lights, rockets, compa.s.s, maps, etc., completed the Baby's cargo. As he knew he had three-thousand five-hundred and eighty miles of river to haul under him, he determined to put into practice a theory he had long maintained, that hards.h.i.+p can better be endured without the use of alcoholic liquors. As a subst.i.tute, he reduced two pounds of strong black tea to liquid form, to be used as a stimulant when one was necessary, and his subsequent experience proved that his theory was correct.

General Merritt was in command of the post at Glendive and did everything in his power to a.s.sist Paul in his preparations. During the last evening spent at the post, the General asked him what time he would start in the morning.