Part 2 (1/1)
We have, I own, no open Enemies in _Africk_ more than any where else at present; and our most gracious Sovereign has, by his Clemency and powerful Influence over the Emperor of _Morocco_, procured Liberty to those of his Subjects that had been taken in _English_ s.h.i.+ps: But it is wrong from thence to infer, that there are no Slaves in _Turky_ of the _British_ Nation.
Among those that are brought up to the Sea, there are many, that, by several Accidents, are left ash.o.r.e in Foreign Parts, and are necessitated to enter themselves on any s.h.i.+ps they can meet with. If this be done in Time of Peace, and when they are not summoned to serve their own Country, they are guilty of no Fault. But as all Mariners, as well as Soldiers, share the Fate of those on whose Side they engage, so many of our Sailors are Slaves in _Turky_, that were taken in _French_, _Dutch_, and other s.h.i.+ps, and are consequently not reclaimable by any Treaty made with _Great Britain_. Tho' these might not deserve the same Regard altogether with those that were taken in s.h.i.+ps of the _British_ Nation; yet, as they are our Countrymen, and have committed no Crime, their Redemption ought not to be deferred one Moment, if they might be had in Exchange for others, whom we have judged not worthy to live amongst us. Besides, as we are at Peace now with all those Rovers, so half a Year hence, some or other of them may fall out with us; their Friends.h.i.+p is not much to be depended upon: Let the Provision but be made, and Felons kept at hard Labour, and under strict Discipline at home, till they are wanted abroad, and we shall find, that the Inst.i.tution it self, the very Name of it, will be of vast Use, before the Thing itself is put into Practice.