Part 12 (1/2)
_Blasted._ Leafless, withered.
_Blazon._ Heraldry: Armorial Compositions. ”To blazon” is to _describe_ or to _represent_ any armorial Figure, Device, or Composition in an heraldic manner. _Blazoning_--_Describing_ in heraldic language: also, _representing_ in an heraldic manner. _Blazonry_--the representation of any heraldic Figure, Device, or Composition. But the distinction is in practice usually made to employ the word ”emblazon” in cases of representation.
[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 218.--Water Bouget.]
[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 219.--Bourchier Knot.]
_Boar._ In Heraldry occasionally termed _Sanglier_.
_Bordure._ A Subordinary: Nos. 139, 140. Also, an important ”Difference.” (See Chapters XII. and XIII.)
_Botonee_, _Botonee Fitchee_. Varieties of the heraldic Cross: Nos. 103, 110. This Cross is also termed _Treflee_.
_Bouget_, or _Water Bouget_. A charge, representing the vessels used by the Crusaders for carrying water. The word is an early form of Bucket.
Fine early examples occur in the Temple Church, at Beverley Minster, and in a monument at Blyborough, Lincolns.h.i.+re: No. 218.
_Bourchier Knot._ The badge of the Bourchier family represented in No.
_Bourdon._ A palmer's or pilgrim's staff. (See _Pilgrim's Staff_.)
_Bow._ The archer's weapon, in all its varieties of form, is a charge.
_Bowed._ Having a convex contour.
_Bowen Knot._ No. 220.
_Braced._ Interlaced.
_Breys._ Barnacles, _q.v._
_Brisure_, or _Brizure_. Any difference or mark of cadency.
_Buckle._ See _Fermaile_.
_Burgonet._ A helm worn in the sixteenth century.
_Cabossed_, or _Caboshed_. The head of a stag, or other horned animal, represented full-faced, so as to show the face only: No. 170. In the case of a lion or leopard when the head is so represented it is termed the face.
[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 220.--Bowen Knot.]
[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 221.--Caltrap.]
_Cadency, Marks of._ Figures and devices, introduced into armorial compositions, in order to distinguish the different members and branches of the same family. (See _Difference_, and Chapter XII.)
_Cadet._ A junior member or branch of a family.
_Caltrap._ An implement formerly strewn on the ground in war to maim horses: No. 221.