Part 1 (1/2)

The Handbook to English Heraldry.

by Charles Boutell.



In the revision of this well-known work I have held my hand, rather than the contrary, trying to bear always in mind that it was the hand-book of Mr. Charles Boutell and not a production of my own. My alterations have been concerned chiefly in bringing the volume up to date, a necessity imposed by the creation of new orders of knighthood, and change of Sovereign. I have certainly omitted a few remarks which I have thought might be the cause of leading students of the science astray: I have altered ambiguous wording to emphasise the real, and I have no doubt the originally intended meaning. But in many points which, being deductions, are naturally matters of opinion, I have left herein various expressions of Mr. Boutell's opinion, with which I can hardly say I personally altogether agree or would myself put forward. I hold that it is no part of an editor's duty to air his own opinions under the protection or repute of another's name, and herein I have inserted nothing for which my own opinion is the only authority.


LINCOLN'S INN, _June 1908_.

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 2.--St. Edward.

No. 1.--St. George.

No. 3.--St. Edmund.]


This Volume, specially prepared for the use of students at an early period of their study of English Heraldry, commends itself also to those inquirers who may desire to obtain some general information on the same subject, without having any intention to devote to Heraldry much either of their time or of their serious regard.

The success, no less extraordinary than gratifying, of my larger work on Heraldry, led me to hope that a not less favourable reception might be extended to a simpler and much shorter essay, more decidedly elementary in its aim and character, and yet as far as possible within its limits complete. Such a treatise I have endeavoured to produce in this Volume.

Inseparably a.s.sociated with the History of our Country, and more particularly when our national History becomes the Biography of eminent Englishmen, English Heraldry has the strongest claims upon the attention not only of all Historians, but also of all who desire to become familiar with their writings. In like manner, Heraldry may be studied with no less of advantage than of satisfaction by all Artists, whether Architects, Sculptors, Painters, or Engravers. Nor is it too much to a.s.sert that some knowledge of Heraldry, in consequence of its singular and comprehensive utility, ought to be estimated as a necessary element of a liberal education. In confirmation of my own views, I am tempted to quote the following pa.s.sage from M. GOURDON DE GENOUILLAC'S introduction to his excellent ”Grammaire Heraldique,” published at Paris:-- ”Le blason,” says M. de Genouillac, ”est une langue qui s'est conservee dans sa purete primitive depuis les siecles, langue dont la connaissance, est indispensable aux familles n.o.bles, qui y trouvent un signe d'alliance ou de reconnaissance, aux numismates, aux antiquaires, aux archeologues, enfin a tous les artistes, gens de lettres, &c.; cependant cette langue est presque inconnue, et la plupart des personnes qui possedent le droit de porter des armoiries seraient fort en peine de les expliquer selon les termes techniques!” Heraldry, indeed, I believe to be a study worthy to be universally regarded with affectionate respect, as it certainly is eminently qualified to inspire such a sentiment in every cla.s.s of student.

In this spirit I have here treated the elements of the Heraldry of England, confident that, of those who may accompany me as far as I shall lead them, very many will not be content to stop where I shall take leave of them. Thus much I promise my companions--I will be to them a faithful guide. They may trust to my accuracy. I have made no statement, have adduced no example, nor have I exhibited any ill.u.s.tration, except upon authority. I myself like and admire what is real and true in Heraldry; and it is by the attractiveness of truth and reality that I desire to win for Heraldry fresh friends, and to secure for it firm friends.h.i.+ps.

It will be understood that from the authority, the practice, and the a.s.sociations of the early Heraldry of the best and most artistic eras, I seek to derive a Heraldry which we may rightly consider to be our own, and which we may transmit with honour to our successors. I do not suggest the adoption, for present use, of an obsolete system. But, while I earnestly repudiate the acceptance and the maintenance amongst ourselves of a most degenerate subst.i.tute for a n.o.ble Science, I do aspire to aid in restoring HERALDRY to its becoming rank, and consequently to its early popularity, now in our own times. This is to revive the fine old Heraldry of the past, to give to it a fresh animation, and to apply it under existing conditions to existing uses and requirements: not, to adjust ourselves to the circ.u.mstances of its first development, and to reproduce as copyists its original expressions. It is not by any means a necessary condition of a consistent revival of early Heraldry, that our revived Heraldry should admit no deviation from original usage or precedent. So long as we are thoroughly animated by the spirit of the early Heralds, we may lead our Heraldry onwards with the advance of time. It is for us, indeed, to prepare a Heraldry for the future, no less than to revive true Heraldry in the time now present. We may rightly modify, therefore, and adapt many things, in order to establish a true conformity between our Heraldry and the circ.u.mstances of our own era: for example, with advantage as well as propriety we may, in a great measure, subst.i.tute Badges for Crests; and we shall do well to adopt a style of drawing which will be perfectly heraldic, without being positively unnatural.

The greater number of my Ill.u.s.trations have been engraved only in outline, with the twofold object of my being thus enabled to increase the number of the examples, and to adapt the engravings themselves to the reception of colour. It will be very desirable for students to blazon the ill.u.s.trations, or the majority of them, in their proper tinctures: and those who are thoroughly in earnest will not fail to form their own collections of additional examples, which, as a matter of course, they will seek to obtain from original authorities. With the exception of a few examples, my Ill.u.s.trations, considerably over 400, have all been executed expressly for this work; and they all have been engraved by Mr. R. B. UTTING. The chief exceptions are thirteen admirable woodcuts of Scottish Seals, all of them good ill.u.s.trations of Heraldry south of the Tweed, originally engraved for Laing's n.o.ble quarto upon ”The Ancient Seals of Scotland,” published in Edinburgh.

Scottish Heraldry, I must add, as in any particulars of law and practice it may differ from our Heraldry on this side of the Tweed, I have left in the able hands of the Heralds of the North: at the same time, however, the Heraldry of which I have been treating has so much that is equally at home on either side of ”the Border,” that I have never hesitated to look for my examples and authorities to both the fair realms which now form one Great Britain.

C. B.





_Early Popularity of Heraldry in England-- Origin of English Heraldry; Definition; Characteristics; Developments; Early Uses; not connected with Earlier Systems-- Ancient Heraldry-- Past and Present Treatment of the Subject._

”What! Is it possible? not know the figures of Heraldry!