Part 112 (1/2)


Her attempt to diffuse the situation is admirable, but Nate's short answers and dark expression will take more than small talk to change.

”How's Bryn?” I ask Tegan.

”What does that mean?” Jax frowns.

”Nothing. Just asking after him. Jeez.”

”Jax is tetchy about my brother. Still.”

”He's still weird with me.”

”He isn't!”

”Yeah? He cornered me and threw twenty questions about Courtney f.u.c.king Adams. After two years and he still believes what the press say?”

Tegan squeezes his hand. ”This is Bryn you're talking about, Jax. He wrote the book on overprotective brothers.” Tegan lifts her head high and sips from her wine gla.s.s. ”Well, I invited Courtney tonight, to stick my middle finger up at her and the press.”

”What the h.e.l.l? Don't tell me she's here,” asks Jax and scans the guests. ”The lies that b.i.t.c.h told about me and her! Why, Tegan?”

”I just said why.”

”I can't believe you did that.” Jax's voice rises.

”I did. And if nothing happened with her, what's the big deal?” Tegan and Jax stand head to head, and I've known Tegan long enough to know when her sobriety's lacking and how her mouth tends to run away with her.

”Don't you b.l.o.o.d.y start too,” says Jax ”I believe you. Why wouldn't I? Jesus, Jax.”

Nate's grip on my hand tightens. ”f.u.c.k this s.h.i.+t,” he mumbles. ”I need another beer.”

We both back off and I retreat to the black leather sofa in the corner, happy to sit on rather than hide behind now Nate's with me. We're partially hidden by a loud group and I absent-mindedly pinpoint which TV show I know them from. A soap, I think. Or reality TV. Difficult to tell the difference these days.

Nate disappears to the kitchen and reappears a couple of minutes later with a beer. Will with Fleur and Nate flops down next to me.

My wine spills at the movement and Nate wipes it from the top of my dress, fingers lingering a moment. ”I had words with my d.i.c.khead brother. You okay?”

”Yes. Do Jax and Tegan still fight all the time?” I ask and place my gla.s.s on the floor.

”Not always. Often.”

”Jax doesn't... you know. Do things. With girls.”

Nate laughs and swigs from his bottle. ”I think he'd like to keep hold of his genitalia; Tegan would rip them off. Nah, he loves Tegan, but I think they're too intense. Too young for marriage, that's for sure.”

”They're perfect together though. What's too young when you think you've found someone you want to spend your life with?”

Nate s.h.i.+fts. ”They are. Besides, that soulmate stuff is bulls.h.i.+t. n.o.body stays the same at their age; life changes you.”


”Do you believe in c.r.a.p like soul mates?” he asks in surprise. ”I don't. Load of horses.h.i.+t.”

”Jury's out,” I say with a small smile. ”Not in my experience but everybody is different. Maybe if you find 'the one'” - I make air commas - ”you're willing to grow together. Compromise.”

Like if one of you has a son she hasn't told you about.

”So a selfish b.a.s.t.a.r.d like me has no chance?” He drinks and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

”You're funny. You're not as selfish as you think you are, Nate.”


I kiss his nose. ”Yeah.”

Nate gives a small shake of his head and returns my kiss. ”But are you okay now?”

”Fine. I wasn't expecting that kind of introduction.”

”Will's a jerk when he's drunk.” He pauses. ”We both are.”

”I know.” I point at his bottle. ”Please don't have too many.”

Nate points at my gla.s.s. ”You too.”

Too late. ”Deal. I'll stop now.”

”No way! I've only had two.”

”Do what you want, Nate. Stay sober enough for later, please.”

Nate twists his body, hiding me from view as he trails fingers from my cheek to my neck. ”Too d.a.m.n right.”

I open my mouth to say I meant the talk we need to have, but the temptation called Nate Campbell wipes away the words. I hold the back of his head and kiss him, not giving a c.r.a.p what people say. If Will shouts about us again, he's liable to receive a smack from one or both of us.

I move away and rest my head against Nate's chest and Nate strokes my bare arm. I'm content for the first time in months.

Our tentative relations.h.i.+p announced, statement made, as we appear in public together, but I didn't expect tactile Nate too. And with our last step away from Riley versus Nate, comes the need to leave behind Riley versus Riley.



I'm reluctant to leave Nate and his surprising intimacy but excuse myself for the bathrooms. The room took on an unfortunate spinning effect a few minutes ago, and closing, then opening my eyes hasn't solved the problem. I stumble towards the cloakroom but the door is locked. There'll be another upstairs but standing and moving has made things worse.