Part 108 (1/2)

”Celebrate what?” I ask.

”Freedom from you guys for a few months.”

”I don't know.” Annie looks at me for permission.

”Sure you do! Riley will come, won't you?” Will's grin grows.

”Don't leave me on my own,” mutters Annie under her breath.

Nate and me continue not to look at each other. Is this more obvious than if we do?

”Count me out,” replies Ruby and stands. ”We done here?”

”Sure. Thanks for coming,” I say.

”Yeah. Not a problem.” Ruby leaves and Jax remains seated, swinging his chair back and forth.

”Where we going?” he asks.

”The Observatory” replies Will.

My blood freezes. As if things couldn't worsen, now we're going to the bar Nate and me met in.

”I'm not sure...” I begin.

”Great! Let's go.” Will shoves Nate who stumbles towards the door.

”I'll call Tegan,” says Jax and whips his phone from his pocket.


This is the first time I've visited The Observatory since the night I met Riley. If you could call that a meeting. More a spark of l.u.s.t on my account. Then I saw her as a casual hook up opportunity, but for the first time in months, a girl chatted to me without her intentions obvious. Oh yeah, I could see Riley was attracted to me, but she didn't act on it. Weirdly, she stuck in my mind afterwards. Maybe because she didn't offer herself to me, maybe because the spark was also one of connection. Who knew we'd end up in this situation?

The evening turns into a night out for SMC PR too, as word about drinks with Ruby Riot spread around the office. Not many of them, a couple of other girls and a guy. I don't pay much attention, until the guy starts paying attention to Riley.

Then I recognise the guy. Mitch.e.l.l, the Yank I met at Riley's office. He's friendly, has a professional air he doesn't drop, the same way Riley sticks in work mode too. Short dark hair, still business suited despite the fact it's the evening. Like Riley. Will and Jax stand next to me talking, but I don't listen to them. I'm too busy watching Riley's response to Mitch.e.l.l. He makes her smile, even laugh, and he's all eyes for her.

This is bulls.h.i.+t.

I retreat to talking to Will, and between us, we give a rundown of the girls pa.s.sing. Will does this less these days, but get a few beers in him, and he's happy to help me with comparisons. He swears he wouldn't do anything, and I believe him, but old habits die hard. Will claims a look, don't touch approach, but I suspect he's playing along with me.

Is Riley deliberately attempting to p.i.s.s me off? She ignores me totally, which is fair enough and part of our deal, but she doesn't need to flirt with someone else. Is she flirting? Mitch.e.l.l chats to a few of the girls, but as the evening progresses, he spends the most time talking to Riley.

An unfamiliar feeling seethes in the pit of my stomach. Jealousy. Riley's mine. But she isn't. She is. f.u.c.k. What is she? What are we? Each time we meet, each evening exploring each other's needs and bonding physically, and the emotion sneaks in with it. The bond between us didn't melt away with the snow, and it never has.

When Mitch.e.l.l touches Riley's hand and she doesn't move her fingers, I tense and will her to look around. Her eyes remain cast down.

I s.h.i.+ft from beer to whisky, and size up other girls again. But each time I'm distracted, and my gaze returns to Riley and Mitch.e.l.l.

Two hours and not once has she looked at me.

Anger pushes past the irritation. She doesn't get to do this to me.

Riley's a.s.s sways beneath her tight, black skirt as she heads in the direction of the bathrooms. Will talks to Jax, and Tegan talks to one of the agency girls. I hesitate for what I hope is long enough, then slip from my seat and follow Riley into the shadows.

A bright silver sign in the narrow hallway points to the bathrooms, and I stand opposite the Ladies, arms crossed, waiting. A girl pa.s.sing double takes; the guys and me already draw attention, and now I'm on my own, I'm likely to attract more. When the chick's face registers interest, I look away before she approaches. Her heels click past on the tiles and I wrinkle my nose. Not my type, anyway. Too short.

Riley steps through the heavy black door from the Ladies and stops as she notices me. ”What are you doing?”

”Waiting for you.” Riley. Tall, s.e.xy as f.u.c.k in her prim and proper work gear; the s.h.i.+rt tucked into her skirt accentuates her small waist. Riley plays with an earring the way she does when she's nervous. All my self-control focuses on not putting my hands on her curves and pressing her against the wall. Is she somehow hotter because somebody else wants her? I a.s.sumed Riley was mine, when I don't have her at all.

She moistens her lips. ”What if somebody sees?”

”I'm allowed to use the bathrooms too, doesn't mean I'm looking for you.”

”Not a good idea.” Riley steps past me and I grab her arm. ”Nate, don't.”

”Mitch.e.l.l's p.i.s.sing me off.” I pull her closer. ”Are you flirting with him? Going home with him tonight?”

She drags her arm away. ”No. I'm not. We agreed; no s.e.x with other people while we're... doing this.”

”Why let him touch you? Trying to make me jealous?” My voice hardens; the frustration mounting as I fight against taking hold of her again.

”What? Don't be ridiculous! I'm not some stupid teenager.” She crosses her arms, the action swelling her b.r.e.a.s.t.s further against the s.h.i.+rt. ”And stop staring at my t.i.ts.”

My mouth quirks into a smile. ”Why?”

Riley makes an exasperated noise. ”We should leave.”

”Good idea.” I edge closer. ”Back to mine.”

”I meant back to the group.”

Riley doesn't move and I glance around before sliding a hand to squeeze her a.s.s. She trips as I pull her hard into my hips. ”Stay here.”

Riley puts her hand on my chest, preventing me moving any closer. ”Going to try your luck in the bathrooms again, Nate? That doesn't work out for you, does it?”

”True.” I take her hand and, with a quick scout around, drag her around the nearby corner and away from public view. The quiet, carpeted hallway stops a few metres away, in front of a door with a light s.h.i.+ning from inside.


”Nate,” she hisses.

I seize Riley's chin in one hand and close my mouth over hers. The small noise she makes before she clings to my neck has me slamming her against the wall. I pull her s.h.i.+rt from inside her skirt, desperate to touch the skin of my girl. Mine. The girl who that guy is not getting his hands on. Riley tries to move and I wind my hand into her hair, holding her head so she can't move her mouth from mine.