Part 98 (1/2)
Nate sits, the mattress sinking beneath him. ”Pa.s.sive-aggressive behaviour? That's hypocritical.”
”And exhausting.”
”You shared a bed with me once before.”
”Only because you pa.s.sed out drunk and forgot where you were.”
He flops backwards. ”Jesus, Riley. I'll even keep my clothes on if it bothers you that much.”
Nate in a flannel s.h.i.+rt and baggy jogging bottoms, lying on a floral-patterned bed in a pub. With me. I laugh. ”If I was you, I wouldn't want to wear those.”
”Says the chick in cat pyjamas. We could both take them off?” I narrow my eyes. ”Kidding! It's too f.u.c.king cold, and unless you want to warm me up, no way am I stripping.”
Nate. Naked. With me. Unable to push the image aside, I try to leave. ”I'll go.”
Nate steps in front of the door. ”Haven't we bonded over Scrabble? I didn't cheat, that counts for something.”
I sit on the bed, tired after too much drink and dealing with another h.e.l.l day stuck here.
”You won't sleep on the sofa,” he continues.
”Why are you insistent, Nate? Do you think I'll be unable to resist you if we climb into bed together?”
His mouth twitches. ”You know it'll happen eventually, right?”
”It will not!”
He crosses his arms. ”Prove it. Get into bed with me. If you don't, I'll know it's because you want to ride my d.i.c.k.”
”OhmiG.o.d! Do you seriously think -”
”I bet you're picturing that now, aren't you?”
”No!” Yes. ”You're disgusting, Nate.”
”Mmm hmm.”
”Are you guaranteeing I won't try to take the bed by behaving like this?” I retort.
”No.” He bites his lip and bounces onto the bed, then lies with his hands behind his head. Thank G.o.d for shapeless clothes. ”Of course not.”
Like I can't see through his game... ”Really? Well tough.” I lie next to him, far enough away not to touch. The thought of heading into the cold lounge to sleep, and Nate winning, isn't appealing. ”Do not touch me.”
”I won't, if you can keep your hands off me.”
In a move I could regret, spurred on by exhaustion, I pull back the sheets. I take one of the pillows and place it in the centre of the bed. Aware of Nate's scrutiny, I climb in and lie at the very edge of the bed, facing the window.
The bed moves as Nate climbs beneath the bedclothes too. The light remains on. My heart thumps and my tiredness switches to high alert as I antic.i.p.ate what happens next. Nate giggles and I relax. Giggling Nate isn't a seductive Nate.
I'm drifting off when Nate speaks. ”Riley.”
”I'm drunk.”
”You already told me.”
”Wish you were drunk too.”
”I'm glad I'm not.”
”After last time.”
”Can I ask you something?”
”What? I'm tired.”
”Did you ever tell anybody?” His voice is low. Confused, I turn to look at him. ”I don't think you did, but I'm not sure.”
”About the non-s.e.x? n.o.body would've believed me anyway.”
”No. The other thing.”
I am monumentally pleased that Nate is covered in his unattractive flannel s.h.i.+rt, but this doesn't detract from the curve of his too perfect cheekbones and pursed, kissable lips. He hasn't shaved for a couple of days either and that adds to his attraction.
”What I told you the night we last shared a bed.” Nate turns his head, the s.p.a.ce between us constricting. ”What did I say? I can't remember half of it.”
”You were in a mess over what happened to Tegan and that sleaze who drugged her, blaming yourself. Jax had threatened to punch you and you were keeping out of his way. You didn't make much sense, talking about a girl. I couldn't figure out if it was someone on the tour or the past or what.”
”Weird, I went to see you, huh?”
”Nate, how much do you remember?”
”Not much. That's why I'm asking you.”
”You thought my room was yours and spent five minutes trying to break into my hotel room because your key card didn't fit. When I opened the door, you basically stumbled in and lay on the bed.”
Nate snorts. ”Really? When I woke up I thought you'd invited me.”
”How likely was that to be true?”
”Yeah, that's what confused the h.e.l.l out of me for a couple of days.”
I smile too. ”And me.”