Part 88 (1/2)
With those words, I know the band have made it to where I want them to be, and I've hit success too. Random, married guy in a bar who probably spends more time listening to nursery rhymes than music recognises Nate. Not Jax, but Nate.
Nate invites himself over. ”Riley Sawyer, are you picking up strange men again?”
I shoot him a warning look; but I've spent enough time around the guy in the past to know I'm wasting my time if I want him to wind his head in. ”h.e.l.lo, Nate.”
”You know him?” asks Archie. The wide-eyed, impressed look is exactly why I kept my mouth shut about my job.
”Riley's my publicist. She came up to Newcastle to tell me what to do.” He slides closer and rests his arms on the bar next to Archie. ”She's bossy. Be ready for that if you- ”
”Where's Sophia?” I interrupt.
”Who the f.u.c.k knows?” Nate knocks back his drink and clicks his fingers at the barman before looking back to our new friend between us. ”Where are all the chicks?”
”Are you asking me?” Archie points at himself and Nate nods. ”Some of the ladies from the conference went out for a meal. They'll be around later.”
Nate snorts. ”Ladies. Ladies don't screw rock stars, do they, Smiley?”
I drain my gla.s.s. ”It was nice chatting, Archie. Excuse me; I need to be up early.”
”It's just past eleven p.m.!” calls Nate. ”Me, you, and... him, we can have a few drinks while I wait for the ladies.” He wraps an arm around Archie's shoulder. ”What you drinking?”
Jesus Christ, Nate really doesn't change. ”Is your brother around?” I ask.
The twins were a pain in the backside last time I toured with them, but at least they looked out for each other. Nate's sobriety is heading south fast and my publicist brain s.h.i.+fts into gear.
”Actually, I'll have another white wine please,” I say and indicate my empty gla.s.s.
Nate blinks at me for a moment. ”You staying?”
”I was talking to Archie before you interrupted. Sit with us if you like.”
Nate studies Archie long enough to make him s.h.i.+ft uncomfortably and look away. Nate smirks. ”Aha. Interrupting something? I get it.”
”No, you don't,” I reply.
”He's your type though, right?” continues Nate. ”What do you do, Archie?”
”Figures.” Nate drains his gla.s.s and orders us more drinks.
What the h.e.l.l is going on with him? The times in the past he's drunk like this have led to situations the press love. Things have been quiet on the Ruby Riot scandal front recently; they'd love to get hold of some drama. Drama Nate's heading towards.
”Look, maybe I should go,” says Archie to me. ”I have an early start tomorrow.”
”It's fine, stay. Nate will get bored in a minute.”
Nate laughs. ”But you and an accountant. How could you possibly bore me? What do you talk about? Or are you skipping the talking part?” He clamps a hand over his mouth then removes it and his mouth snakes into a smile. ”Riley, you naughty girl! Have you told him what almost happened the night you met me in a bar?”
His loud voice attracts nearby patrons and I grab my wine. The jerk can p.i.s.s off; he is not embarra.s.sing me in public. ”Should we sit down, Archie?” I indicate a table with two stools.
”No. I think I should go. It was nice chatting to you.”
The guy can't get away quick enough. Nate watches him go as he sinks yet another gla.s.s of whisky. I stare into my wine gla.s.s.
”Huh. Nice guy,” says Nate.
We stand next to each other in silence and I pick my phone up to pretend I'm busy. If I leave now Nate will think he's won. I will leave, after I finish my drink.
”Are you meeting Sophia?” I ask with hope.
”She left.”
I look up. ”What happened?”
Nate turns drunk eyes to mine. ”None of your business, Smiley.”
That b.l.o.o.d.y nickname... But if I say something, he's guaranteed to continue using it.
”It will be if you've caused drama and she tells people. The public love her, Nate.”
”And? Not my problem.” He grins. ”It's yours.”
”What did you do?”
”Nothing! We're over. She left.”
I shouldn't. Really shouldn't but the temptation is too great. ”Sophia told me before.”
”Told you what?”
”That she was ending your relations.h.i.+p.”
Nate pulls his head back as if I smacked him then composes himself. ”We didn't have a relations.h.i.+p.”
”A month and the same girl? That's a relations.h.i.+p of sorts.”
”Yeah, but I don't care about her.”
”No, because Nate Campbell doesn't care about anybody but himself.”