Part 70 (1/2)

The silence between us replaces the joking and innuendo and I kick myself that I'm the one who screwed up. What do I say? I don't think he's Nate, but I was used to calling him that for weeks.

”Do you trust me?”


”Even though I lied?”

”You were stupid, not malicious.”

The silence returns as Will rubs his head. ”I'm like them, Fleur.”


”Ethan. Shaun.”

”You're not!”

”Do you know how many girls I've screwed in the last year?” He meets my eyes, and the s.h.i.+ning happiness has gone.

I wince at the word but refuse to break eye contact. ”No.”

”Neither do I. So I'm worse than the guys who hurt you. I bet they can remember every girl. I can't.”

I don't want this conversation, can't think of Will in this way. ”Only if you intend to do it again,” I say. ”Only if you intend to have s.e.x with me and move onto the next girl.”

As Will s.h.i.+fts his gaze to the opposite side of the room, my stomach sinks. He can't give me the answer I'd like. Is he unsure? Or is Will coming clean and this is all about s.e.x. ”Can I ask you a personal question?” he asks.


”Are you a virgin?”

Stunned, I stare at the side of his head as he refuses to meet my eyes. ”You need to ask me that question? Are you worried I won't know what I'm doing?”

”No, but ”

”Because I'm nerdy history girl? I don't buy into your cliche, don't you buy into the one around me.”

”Right. But you only have s.e.x with guys who love you, right? I remember you said that.”

”Will, look at me.”

The heavy atmosphere creates a barrier between us. How has this s.h.i.+fted?

”I'll wait.” He sits back against the sofa. ”I need to wait.”

”You don't.”

Where has the suggestive guy with his banter gone? He's the man I want. His scent is on my clothes, lips imprinted on my skin from earlier. Will wasn't the only one fantasising at the movies.

”Right. Are you telling me you wouldn't regret having s.e.x with me? Dropping your morals for a guy who screws girls and pushes them to one side? I'll walk away, leave tomorrow, and you'll be left wondering. Stressed.” He pauses. ”Unhappy.”

”No. I trust you.”

”f.u.c.k, I'm confused.” Will runs his palms down his face. ”I can't stop thinking about earlier; and normally, I'd just do this. But ”

”But you need to stop thinking and kiss me.”

I reach out to him, touching his day's scruff, my face smarting from his rough cheek earlier. I edge in for a kiss and place my lips on his for a second before pulling away to look at him. ”I trust you and I know what I'm doing.”

Will mutters something under his breath then crashes his mouth on mine. This is all it takes to reignite the burn from before. A s.h.i.+ver trips along my spine as Will's hands delve beneath my s.h.i.+rt, holding my waist as his tongue pushes into my mouth. I climb onto his lap and hold his face; he's not allowed to change his mind and walk away.

I push my hands beneath his clothes too and my nails along his hard abs. The heat sparks into flame, my nipples hardening as I press myself closer. Will's desire matches mine; he wraps my hair around his hand and grips my face to him.

I don't know how, but earlier tonight, Will triggered a l.u.s.t I won't shake until he satisfies it. The physicality of the guy struck me from the first time he stood close to me in the study room. How is that possible? How can somebody affect another person with such intensity, without touching?

Will manages to do this, and now he has touched me I can go only one direction. The morals he's talking about aren't holding me back from letting Will know what I want. Is it so wrong that I do?

Will breaks the kiss and rests his head on the back of the sofa, chest rising and falling rapidly, lips parted. ”I thought I told you. No seducing me.”

I laugh and kiss him softly again, running my tongue along his bottom lip. He sighs and grips my face to his again. Our barely restrained l.u.s.t grips us in this moment and I don't want to stop. I'm pretty d.a.m.n sure Will doesn't either.

”Jesus, Fleur.” Will s.h.i.+fts beneath me, his hard arousal pus.h.i.+ng against where I straddle him, and I don't want clothes in the way. ”You need to climb off me or I'm going to push this as far as I can.”

”Stay,” I say, and kiss him again.

Will groans into my mouth and grips my waist. ”I know I'm irresistible, but no.”

I sit back and push my hands into his hair to hold his head. ”Is it me? Is there something wrong with me?”

”No!” I s.h.i.+ver as his fingers trail softly along my belly, the heat between my legs intensifying. ”Every time I close my eyes, you're there; I can't shake you.”

”Then stay.”

Will slides his hands up my side and I wriggle against the ticklishness. ”You told me that s.e.x isn't something you do with just anybody. If I wanted, I could tell you I loved you, but you wouldn't believe me. You'd think I was saying it to get what I wanted.”

”I wish I'd never told you that!” I say and drop my hands.

”Well, you did.” He lifts me from his lap and I frown at him. ”I have to go before my d.i.c.k takes over control of the situation.”

I'd laugh but I'm p.i.s.sed off, a mess of arousal fighting to control my breathing.

”Will...” I stand and wrap my arms around him, pull him in for a kiss. ”Stay. We don't have to do everything.”

Just touch me.

His breath speeds against my mouth. ”I'm trying to push away those images, Fleur. Don't put them back.”