Part 49 (1/2)
”We all helped each other,” I remind him.
”You're saying I'm not your favourite study buddy?” He sticks his bottom lip out and I fight a smile.
Is it wrong to be smug that Nate Campbell wants to spend time with me? We've spent a few sessions together alone now, and my guard against him drops more with each meeting. He's an ordinary guy, in an extraordinary way. Ordinary because, despite his rising star, he's little different to other guys on campus. Extraordinary because Nate's good-looking and confident, and manages to charm his way around anybody. Including me. But this is more than me falling for his spin; when I'm with Nate there's an underlying s.e.xual tension I never expected and not because he tries.
I enjoy Nate's company and look forward to our time together which is something I'll never admit to him or anybody. Silly Fleur, falling for a Campbell. Nate's more than people see or I think he is but he's not the guy for me.
His phone beeps and he immediately grabs it. This time the message turns Nate's expectant look into a smile. ”Awesome. Finally!”
I bristle. ”No, my favourite study buddy studies, and isn't distracted by their phone.” My message alert sounds too and I fight the urge to pull it from my bag.
”Of course.” My phone beeps again. ”Aren't you going to see who that is?”
”It can wait.” Ethan. I'm waiting for a message from Ethan. But I need to prove a point to Nate.
”My time's up. I have to go.” Nate turns his phone around. 7 p.m. ”So you're allowed to look at yours now.”
”I can wait. We're not all obsessed by technology.”
”Okay.” His amused smile irritates. ”Catch you later.”
”Goodbye, Nate.”
The moment the door clicks shut behind him, I pull my phone out. When I see Ethan's name on screen my heart skips. And when I read the message that he wants to meet me in the union, my evening changes from frustrating to fabulous.
”Knew it!”
I look up sharply at Nate standing in the doorway. ”What do you want?”
”Nothing. Just checking.” With one more big grin I'd prefer to smack off his face, Nate leaves.
Beer will help.
And getting laid.
A few months back, I lived the dream, hot chicks landing in my lap every night as I rode the Blue Phoenix train. Perform, get wasted, party, girl, rinse, and repeat. Being a.s.sociated with Blue Phoenix was the biggest aphrodisiac ever.
Now, back to uni, girls don't conveniently disappear after one night. Nate learned quicker than me to slow down; he had a chick borderline obsessed after he did the love 'em and leave 'em thing and she didn't accept the 'leave 'em' part.
Since Jax lowered his profile, we have less of an entourage than last year. Not performing also keeps us off the radar. Still, we have a fan base and once a week, Nate organises a night out with a few of them. So, yeah, getting laid is top of my list.
”Hey, man!” calls Nate as I head into our usual corner of the student union.
Several tables are pushed together below a low Perspex roof, enough distance from the music speakers to be able to speak but not too far on the edge. I puff air into my cheeks as I look over. My time with Fleur has eaten into my drinking time; this group has a volume louder than anybody else around, and a lot more empty on the table.
Won't take me long to catch up.
I approach and pull out one of the cheap chrome chairs to sit. Nate has his arm around a girl. Cute. Blonde. Can't take her eyes off him.
”Hey,” I mutter.
The blonde girl turns as I speak and her eyes widen. She drags her gaze between us. ”You're the same!”
Looking at her drunken eyes, I conclude we'd look the same to her even if we were the opposite s.e.x.
”Erin,” says Nate and gestures, arm over her shoulder.
”Nice,” I mouth as Erin looks away and drinks.
Nate grins.
I size up the other chicks around the table. Some are with guys, but two or three aren't.
Half an hour later, a first year who regales me with theories of what our lyrics mean, and how she 'f.u.c.king loves' us, edges closer. The beer flows and I relax, enjoying the attention, pretty sure this chick is up for a trip to my bed.
The union has filled in the time we've sat with our audience and I screw my face up as I look at the throng between us and the bar. The group at the table grows, and plans form what we'll do later.
”Nate! Your round!” I call above the increasing noise.
”Aren't we going back to ours?” he calls back.
”Yes!” enthuses his blonde friend. ”Seriously, so cool.”
I shake my head. ”Nah. Club tonight; go on. I feel like a lot of noise and a lot of dancing.”
Nate arches a brow. ”Slow down with the beers then.”
”I have catching up to do.”
Nate unwinds the girl's arm from around his neck and pushes his chair back, reaching into his pocket for his wallet as he heads to the bar. Most would edge around the groups; Nate ploughs straight through the middle. I shake my head at his arrogance, but most people step out of his way.
I rest my arms over the seat back and take a closer look at the girl with me. I could do with some attention right now; have my ego stroked. Amongst other things.
I look back to where Nate's heading.