Part 10 (1/2)

”Who knows?” He grins.

I'm d.a.m.n sure Tegan recognises the girls; and even if she doesn't, the fact I had one attached isn't sending Tegan the signal I want. As soon as Sofia arrived, she was all over me, convinced this is her lucky night, and that I'd specifically asked to see her again.

When she settled onto my lap, I shot Will and Nate a dirty look; but as usual, they're oblivious. I s.h.i.+fted, told Sofia to bring me a drink, and she climbed off again. Will and Nate had enough fun with these girls last night to repeat the experience. Didn't they say they invited other chicks too? Jesus, this is going to get messy.

I need to walk away before Sofia returns. If she climbs back on my lap, my chances with Tegan are blown. If they're not already. ”I'm grabbing something to eat.”

I head past a group of suits, nodding h.e.l.lo but refusing to talk. I'm surprised by the lack of interest by the industry professionals in the room; there's little mingling between them and the musicians. Some of the road crew chatted before, but they've set up their own corner.

A series of tables covered in a white cloth are spread with a mix of fancy finger foods. I have no idea what half the c.r.a.p is, and I spy a stack of pizza boxes at the other end. I guess the caterers listened when they asked what we wanted.

Riley stands at the table, delicately placing tiny parcels of pastry, and weird stuff on crackers, onto a plate. She glances at me as I approach. ”Having fun?”

I tense, hoping to h.e.l.l she's not going to start on me about the half-naked photo shoot she wants me to do. I've argued with her every week for a month about this. They want the s.e.x angle. I want the music angle. Of course, I'm flattered they think my body's worth sharing. I know the effect I have on chicks. Sure, I play this angle to my advantage; but right now, I want to be the musician not the meat. They're not asking Ruby to strip off. Talk about double standards.

”Yeah. You?” I reply.

”Don't be so defensive,” she says and nibbles on the edge of her pastry. ”I'm not in work mode.”

Sure. This chick is always in work mode.

”You should come and join us, we're the under-25 gang,” I say with a smile.

She cranes her head and looks over my shoulder. ”Quite a gang you have going. Mostly female too, I notice.”

Ignoring Riley's loaded comment, I grab a slice of pizza from the box. When she doesn't move, I turn and lean against the table, surveying the room. This really isn't what I'd call a rock and roll night of debauchery. This is manufactured bulls.h.i.+t.

To my surprise, Tegan approaches the table, and I feign nonchalance as I eat, fixing my eyes on hers. Tegan holds my gaze for a few moments before switching her attention to Riley. Riley holds a second plate out.

”Thanks, I'm starving,” Tegan says. Foregoing the fancy food, she steps closer to help herself to pizza.

As Tegan reaches across, the citrus scent of her hair pulls me back to the moment in the hallway before, but this time she's unperturbed by my presence.

”Riley was telling me all about you.” Tegan steps back and rests against the table next to me, close enough to indicate she's not wary of me, but not close enough to touch me.

”Did Riley tell you she spends her time trying to get my clothes off?” I ask Tegan.

”Funny, Jax,” retorts Riley.

Tegan shakes her head. ”Poor Jax, pursued by wanton women.”

”Is that right?” I attempt to catch her eye, but she's side-glancing Riley with a smile.

And she's back to the old Tegan.

”Jax was inviting me to his under-25s club over in the corner.” Riley points with her plate.

Tegan looks to me. ”Where's my invite?”

She slowly licks tomato sauce from her bottom lip and her mouth twitches into a smile as I focus on the action, the challenge back on.

”I already gave you an invitation, Tegan.”

”Do I get to sit in the famous Jax Lewis's lap too?” Tegan asks, clutching her chest with mock-excitement.

I pause before responding. Is she referring to Sofia or suggesting in a roundabout way that she'd like to? ”Not in front of your brother.”

”Maybe somewhere more private instead?” she whispers.

Her words surprise me until I notice the familiar teasing glint in her eyes. This girl doesn't know who she's playing with here.

”Join the queue, because I've seen the number he goes through,” says Riley. ”Right, Jax?”

”Was it Will or Nate that you're hot for?” I retort, wis.h.i.+ng she'd p.i.s.s off with her stupid comments. Riley's cheeks turn pink. ”Or do you not care? They look the same and as you're focused on getting us naked, I guess it doesn't matter to you.”

”Strangely enough, I'm more interested in what people have to offer when they have their clothes on. You should try it some time.”

”Do you think it's a good idea to talk to me like that?” I snap.

”Just saying.” Riley looks pointedly at Tegan. ”Just so you know.”

I mutter something unpleasant about Riley under my breath and she runs her tongue along her teeth as she looks at me. ”Well, I'm joining the 'cool kids'.” She puts quotation marks around the words with her fingers. ”Coming, Tegan?”

”Gotta be a 'cool kid' to join, Riley.” I mimic her action. ”Not sure you qualify.”

Riley scowls at me, but I'm not in the mood for her. Firstly, she turned me down weeks ago, and secondly, she rubs me up the wrong way. Riley's the same age as me but acts superior, and can be condescending. Ruby's not a fan either, so we all have some interesting meetings.

”I'll see what Nate and Will say,” she says and stalks away.

”That was... enlightening,” remarks Tegan.

”Professional differences.”

”I heard.”

They've spoken about me? That me off.

”Having fun?” I ask, turning to face her. ”Must be strange not knowing anybody.”

”I make friends easily, doesn't bother me. Riley seems nice.”

I pull a face and Tegan laughs. I smile back, and she continues eating. What's the deal here? I'm b.l.o.o.d.y confused again.

”So, you want to go and chat somewhere on our own?” I suggest.

Tegan pauses mid-chew of her pizza and her eyes widen. She swallows. ”Are you serious?”

”Yeah. It's what you want, right?”

”I don't know whether to laugh at or be insulted by your proposal, Jaxon.”