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Pandemic Scott Sigler 21890K 2022-07-22

No, not torn … half-eaten.

Sofia’s hands clutched at Cooper’s arm. She stood half behind him, using him as both protection and support.

“f.u.c.k me,” she said. “I never believed they were real. I thought that news footage was special effects bulls.h.i.+t.”

Cooper nodded, neither knowing nor caring if he’d ever believed or not. The past didn’t matter, because he could see just how real they were.

Sofia tugged at his coat. “What are they doing?”

“I don’t know. Maybe they’re making a bulwark or something.”

“A bulwark? What the f.u.c.k is a bulwark?”

“Like a wall,” Cooper said. “Something to stay behind during a gunfight.”

“You a soldier or something?”

“History Channel. Watch enough World War Two doc.u.mentaries and things sink in.”

The sound of roars suddenly echoed through the lobby, filtering in from somewhere deeper in the hotel. Cooper couldn’t be sure where the roars were coming from — if he and Sofia were going to get out of the hotel alive, they had to go right through the little p.o.o.p-making monsters.

His hands felt sweaty. He raised the pistol, started to aim at the closest creature.

Sofia’s hand rested on his forearm.

“Don’t,” she said. “Five bullets. We have to conserve” — she ran out of breath in midsentence; she was farther gone than Cooper had hoped — “our ammo.”

If he fired off a round, would the hatchlings scatter? Maybe … or maybe they’d attack, like they had in the video, swarm in, chew him up alive and then s.h.i.+t him out to make more of their little fortress.

He looked at Sofia. “I can shoot one, see if they run. What else can we do?”

“We could … just walk out,” she said. She closed her eyes, tried to deal with the heat was.h.i.+ng through her body. “We don’t f.u.c.k with them, maybe they don’t f.u.c.k with us. Chavo didn’t attack you … maybe these things won’t, either.”

Cooper’s throat felt tight. A pinching feeling churned in his guts.

Sofia raised a weak hand, pointed to the gla.s.s wall.

“The street is right there,” she said. “If we stay any longer, we’ll … we’ll run into something worse than those little monsters.”

Another roar — the closest yet — seemed to punctuate her words.

She was right. They didn’t have time to find another way out.

Gun in his right hand, his left arm around Sofia’s waist, Cooper stepped out from behind the corner and walked toward the front door some forty feet ahead.

The twenty hatchlings stopped moving. Cooper paused. They all turned their bodies so two of their eyes looked his way, focused on him.