Part 17 (1/2)
”We took nothing from Evergreen, and we certainly didn't destroy any lab,” he said. ”It's a lie.”
”That's why you're waving a gun around.” Delaney didn't seem upset though. Or worried that Slade would shoot him. The doctor looked questioningly at Holly.
”I understand we've already met,” she said, extending her hand. ”I'm one of the casualties of Evergreen Inst.i.tute's mind-control program, the Genesis Project, but I have a feeling you already know that as well.”
The words had the effect Holly had obviously been shooting for. Delaney looked more than surprised.
”Look, we know you're involved with the Evergreen Inst.i.tute and the Genesis Project,” Slade said.
Delaney didn't bother to deny it.
”To make a long story short,” Slade said. ”We were just at Evergreen. Someone zapped her. She can't remember the past year. Convenient, huh?” He waved the weapon in his hand. ”Now you're going to help her remember the birth of her baby and the monsters who stole it. Then you can tell us about the Genesis Project and why you used to take my mother to Evergreen.”
Delaney looked at Holly. ”What do you mean by 'zapped?”'
”Mind control. It seems I've been taking Halcion mixed with equal parts hypnosis,” she said.
”Halcion? Unless it was a very low dosage, you wouldn't have even been able to function.”
”It sounds as if I just barely could,” she said. ”But then someone else was controlling me so I didn't need to think much.”
”How do you know this?” Delaney asked, turning to Slade.
He shook his head. ”It doesn't matter. As long as you undo it. I know you've worked with hypnosis and de-programming.”
Delaney let out a sigh. ”This isn't the same thing. If Holly's memory loss wasn't hypnotically induced, putting her under will do no good.”
”I guess there is only one way to find out,” Slade said, ”but first let's search the house,” he said motioning with the weapon.
The house did appear to be empty, just as Delaney said.
When they returned to the main floor, Delaney motioned to the den. ”Come on in here,” he said to Holly.
”I'm coming too,” Slade reminded him.
”I never doubted it. But put the gun away. It won't be necessary.”
”I hope not.”
Delaney stepped over to the police scanner and turned it off, then closed and locked the door behind them.
”Why do you have a scanner?” Slade asked.
The doctor gave him a pitying look and said sarcastically, ”I secretly work for the police.” Delaney shook his head in disgust. ”Have you always been so paranoid?”
”More so lately,” Slade admitted.
”You can sit here,” the doc said to Holly. ”This might surprise you Slade, but even though I'm trying to retire, if there is an accident or some reason the hospital might need a.s.sistance, I still go in to see if I can be of help.”
”I was just wondering,” Slade said. ”The bell ringer, the one you had outside my office, did he call you on Christmas Eve? Or Carolyn Gray?”
Delaney shook his head. ”I don't know what you're talking about.”
Slade narrowed his gaze at the doctor. ”And why didn't you just lie when I brought Holly to you to be examined? If you'd told me she hadn't had a baby, I might have just dropped the case.”
”I had no reason to lie,” Delaney said. ”I'd never seen her before and knew nothing about any of this, but I don't expect you to believe that.” Delaney looked at him, obviously irritated. ”I suppose it would be too much to ask you to sit over there.” He pointed to a spot off to Holly's right. ”If I stand any chance of helping, you can't distract her in any way.”
Slade nodded and took the seat Delaney suggested, but kept the revolver out, resting on his thigh, ready. He listened for any sound beyond the room, recalling how the doctor had locked the door behind them and the dog was outside. It would bark if anyone came around, warn them in time.
Delaney dimmed the lights, put on some soft music and took a chair facing them. Slade watched the doctor take Holly's hands in his. ”Try to relax. Hypnosis is a state of increased suggestibility and concentration,” he began, his voice low and soft.
”Under hypnosis you never relinquish your free will,” he said, then looked over at Slade. ”Hypnosis works on suggestion, but as with its use in weight loss or quitting smoking, it takes repeated attempts, and even then it is only viable if the patient accepts the suggestion. Although it is widely used, the success rate over a long period of time is poor.”
Got the message, Slade said with a look.
Dr. Delaney turned his attention back to Holly. ”Relax. Try to clear your mind. Make your mind peaceful. Quiet. Serene.”
Slade rubbed the back of his neck. The room was almost too warm. He tried to focus outside the room, listening for the dog to bark, listening for any sound that might mean they were no longer alone.
”Holly,” Delaney continued softly, as melodic as the faint music he had playing. ”Hear only the sound of my voice, the sound of your own breathing. In and out. In and out. That's it. I'm going to help you to remember everything. You do want to remember, don't you?”
She nodded slowly.
Slade s.h.i.+fted in his seat, still holding the weapon on his thigh, wondering if he hadn't heard the dog bark. Delaney shot him a look of warning and motioned for him to be quiet.
”Concentrate,” Delaney said. ”Hear only the sound of my voice. Nothing else matters. Just the sound of my voice and what I am going to tell you.”
Slade let his attention s.h.i.+ft back to Holly and Dr. Delaney's voice, the music now almost part of the room.
He watched Delaney, spellbound, as the doctor's voice dropped in the darkened room. Slower and slower, softer and softer came the flow of words until the beat of the words seemed to match the beat of his heart.
The weapon slipped from his hand, fell in slow motion to the floor, hitting, but without sound. Slade thought about picking it up. Then lost the thought.
Chapter Thirteen.