Part 7 (1/2)
”Did you ever fish like that, Dan?” he asked with interest.
”Often,” was the brief reply; for Dan was still hot and sore.
”Golly, it must be fun! And did you catch anything, Dan?”
”My dinner,” answered Dan, grimly.
”Jing!” exclaimed Freddy, breathlessly. ”That was great! When we get to Killykinick let us go out like those bare legged boys and catch our dinner, too.”
And Dan laughed and forgot he was a ”low-down chump” as he agreed they would catch dinners whenever possible. Then he and Freddy proceeded to explore the big boat high and low, decks, cabins, saloons, machinery wherever visible. Freddy, who had made similar explorations with Uncle Tom as guide, was quite posted in steamboat workings; but it was all new and wonderful to Dan, who had only dry book-knowledge of levers and cogs and wheels; and to watch them in action, to gaze down into the fiery depths of the furnace, to hear the mighty throb of the giant engine,--to see all these fierce forces mastered by rules and laws into the benignant power that was bearing him so gently over summer seas, held him breathless with interest and delight. Even the clang of the first dinner gong could not distract him from his study of cylinder and piston and shaft and driving-rod, and all s.h.i.+ning mechanism working without pause or jar at man's command.
”Just as if they had sense,” said Dan, thoughtfully,--”a heap more sense than lots of living folk I know.”
”That's what Uncle Tom says,” replied Freddy, to whom, in their brief holidays together, Uncle Tom, cheery and loving, was an authority beyond question. ”He says they work by strict law and rule, and people won't.
They s.h.i.+rk and kick. Jing! if these here engines took to s.h.i.+rking and kicking where would we be? But they don't s.h.i.+rk and kick against law.
Uncle Tom says they obey, and that's what boys ought to do--obey. Gee!
it's good we're not engines, isn't it, Dan? We'd blow things sky high.--Here's the second call for dinner,” said Freddy, roused from these serious reflections by the sound of the gong. ”We'd better move quick, Dan, or the ice-cream may give out.”
”Can you have ice-cream,--all you want?” asked Dan.
”Well, no,” hesitated Freddy, who knew what Dan could do in that line,--”not like we have at college. They dish it out other places a little skimp, but they'll give you a good supply of other things to make up.”
Which information Dan soon found to be most pleasantly correct; and, though the glories of the long dining room, with its corps of low-voiced waiters, were at first a trifle embarra.s.sing, and Brother Bart's grace, loudly defying all human respect, attracted some attention to his table, the boys did full justice to the good things set so deftly before them, and went through the bill of fare most successfully.
The black waiters grinned as the young travellers proceeded to top off with apple pie and ice-cream, combined in such generous proportions that Brother Bart warned them that the sin of gluttony would be on their souls if they ate another mouthful.
Then Freddy, sorely against his will, was borne off by his good old friend to rest, according to Brother Tim's last order; while Dan was left to himself to watch the boat turning into the sh.o.r.e, where a wharf loaded with truck for s.h.i.+pping jutted out into the stream; and one pa.s.senger--a st.u.r.dy, grizzled man in rough, brown hunting corduroy--leaped aboard followed by two fine dogs. Then the laboring engines, with puff and shriek, kept on their way; while Dan continued his investigations, and made friendly overtures to a big deck hand who volunteered to show the eager young questioner ”below.”
And ”below” they went, down steep, crooked steps that led away from all the glitter and splendor above, into black depths, lit only by fierce glow of undying fires. Brawny, half-naked figures fed and stirred the roaring flames; the huge boilers hissed, the engines panted; but through all the darkness and discord came the measured beat of the s.h.i.+p's pulse that told there was no s.h.i.+rk or kick,--that all this mighty mechanism was ”obeying.”
And then, this dark sight-seeing over, Dan came up again into the bright, sunlit deck crowded with gay pa.s.sengers chatting and laughing. Brother Bart was making efforts at conversation with an old French priest returning to his mission in the Canadian forests; Dud had introduced Jim to his fas.h.i.+onable friends, and both boys were enjoying a box of chocolates with pretty little Minnie Foster; Freddy was still ”resting” in his stateroom.
All were unmindful of the dark, fiery depths below, where fierce powers were working so obediently to bear them on their happy, sunlit way, that was widening each moment now. The smiling, dotted with farms and villages, were stretching away into hazy distance; there was a new swell in the waves as they felt the heart-beat of the sea. It was all new and wonderful to Dan; and he stood leaning on the deck rail of a secluded corner made by a projecting cabin, watching the sunset glory pale over the swift vanis.h.i.+ng sh.o.r.e, when he was suddenly startled by a deep voice near him that questioned:
”Worth seeing, isn't it?”
Dan looked up and saw the big grizzled stranger in corduroy gazing at the splendor of the western sky.
”Yes, sir,” answered Dan. ”It's great! Are we out at sea now?”
”Almost,” was the reply. ”Not in the full swell yet, but this is our last sight of land.” He nodded to a promontory where the delicate lines of a lighthouse were faintly pencilled against the sunset.
”Jing!” said Dan, drawing a long breath, ”it feels queer to be leaving earth and sun and everything behind us.”
His companion laughed a little harshly. ”I suppose it does at your age,”
he said. ”Afterwards” (he stopped to light a cigar and puff it into glow),--”afterwards we get used to it.”